CfP: New Feminisms in Europe (Publication: Social Movement Studies), DL: 13.07.2012

A special issue of Social Movement Studies (Web) edited by Kristin Aune (University of Derby) and Jonathan Dean (University of Leeds)

Deadline: Friday 13th July 2012

European second-wave feminism – loosely denoting the emergence of feminist activism in the 1960s and 1970s – has been extensively studied, but there is very little work on new and emerging feminist mobilisations.
Several decades on from second-wave feminism, European societies have changed in significant ways, many of them gendered, and many of which might be said to have arisen in response to feminist social movements. Recent years have seen the redrawing of national boundaries, the fall of communism and rise of capitalism in Eastern Europe, the increasing influence of neoliberalism, the development of new information technologies, and the feminization and increasing precarity of the labour market. Although there is now a substantial literature on the gendered aspects of these transformations and the impact of feminism on state institutions… Read more …

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