CfP: What is LGBT(Q) History and where do we stand? History Postgraduates and LGBT History (Event: London, 11/2012); DL: 13.07.2012

Organizers: Craig Griffiths and Charles Smith

Zeit: 07.11.2012
Ort: Queen Mary, University of London
Deadline: 13.07.2012

Decades have passed since the first published histories examining aspects of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex or queer life, or analysing social movements made up by LGBTIQ people. Historical work on LGBT or queer “issues” is now more accepted in the academy than ever before, and has enriched our knowledge enormously. However, postgraduate historians working on LGBT research topics – at least in the UK – have no recognisable network to call upon, lack any clear idea of what this “generation” of researchers‘ agenda, approach and methodology might be, and many academics and researchers appear curiously aloof from community projects such as LGBT History Month. Read more (Link)

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