CfP: Critical Moments in Feminist Leisure Scholarship: Current Knowledge and Future Research (Publication: Journal of Leisure Research); DL: 09.07.2012

Special Issue of the Journal of Leisure Research (Web) Guest Editors: Diana C. Parry, University of Waterloo and Simone Fullagar, Griffith University

Deadline: 09.07.2012

Feminist research within leisure studies is at a critical juncture. As pioneers of feminist leisure research retire, there is a need to celebrate and highlight the vast array of leisure scholarship that continues through a feminist lens and chart new directions in an ever changing field. This special issue will harness the energy of current feminist leisure research, highlighting its breath, depth, and diversity. In so doing, we aim for the special issue to serve as a galvanizing force by creating a community of new and established feminist leisure scholars who can network, strategize, and take action together in both research synergies and other more tangible ways (such as resurrecting the gender and leisure group in World Leisure).

Grounded firmly in third wave feminism, the special issue will explore the intersections, transformations, and innovations in feminist ways of thinking and conducting research. Moreover, the special issue aims to highlight and discuss the complexities and contradictions that exist within third wave feminism. The special issue will create a space for reflection and reinvigoration of feminist debates and directions related to diverse methodologies, conceptual traditions, and ways of writing through gendered leisure.

Authors (including those in post-doctoral positions and new graduate students) are invited to submit manuscripts that include empirical studies from a broad range of feminist theoretical orientations, which may also be combined with similarly informed perspectives (i.e., queer theory, gender theory, post-colonial theory, postmodernism, feminist masculinities, etc). Conceptual discussion focused on policy, activism, and politics is also welcome. We invite contributions from a broad range of substantive topics, approaches to conducting and representing leisure research, as well as multidisciplinary perspectives (women’s studies, geography, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, history, economics, environmental studies et al).

All contributors need to ensure that submitted articles have a feminist focus that explores leisure as a broad or specific context (i.e., tourism, events, sport, recreation, parks, the arts, pop culture) within the context of debates in the literature. Submitted manuscripts will undergo the normal review process and should adhere to the “Instructions for Authors” as outlined by the Journal of Leisure Research. For full consideration of manuscript inclusion in this special issue, please submit no later than, July 9, 2012.

Authors should direct questions and submit manuscripts to: Diana Parry, PhD or Simone Fullagar, PhD

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