Monthly Archives: Dezember 2007

CfP: Proto-Eugenic Thinking before Galton (Event), Deadline: 15.01.08

Maren Lorenz (German Historical Institute, Washington, DC), Christoph Irmscher (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana)

Zeit: 25.-27.09.2008
Ort: German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
Deadline: 15.01.2008

Proposals are invited for an international multi-disciplinary workshop on the emergence of eugenic thinking and planning.

Human breeding has become a socially acceptable subject again. While historians of science have vigorously responded to the new challenges posed by prenatal diagnostics, the human genome project, and cloning – scholars in other disciplines, especially in the German-speaking countries, have been more restrained or have limited themselves to discussing German racial politics and the practice of euthanasia under National Socialism. Continue reading

CfP: International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education: New Challenges and Emerging Roles for Human and Social Development, Deadline: 10.01.08

The fourth International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education wants to follow the road that it initiated in its previous edition, by offering more open participation spaces. These spaces aim to promote real dialogue between the participants and to provide a space for exchange for research projects, experiences and different points of view of a complex theme, which will be examined on this occasion. In practice, these open participation spaces are the Papers and Good Practices Workshops, on Tuesday, 1 April in the afternoon. The main objective is twofold: open up active participation of researchers, who follow regularly the GUNI conferences and call for papers, and offer participants a more dynamic and innovative space. It takes as a starting point the basic explanations and the statements of the plenary sessions of the conference so as to move debate towards concrete questions, individual research activities and localised cases. Continue reading

CfA: International MA Program in Middle East Studies, Ben Gurion University, Deadline: July 15th, 2008

* MAPMES* is a *_highly competitive_* Master’s program in Middle East studies taught in English by *_internationally recognized faculty_* at the forefront of their fields.
*_MAPMES _*_offers its students _:
* An intensive */one-year program/* which allows for an immersion into the politics, history, society and culture of the Middle East Continue reading

CfP: PhD course „Academic and Creative Writing in Gender Studies“, Deadline: 10.02.08

How to write a scholarly article for a feminist journal?
Date: April 21-23, 2008
Venue: Linköping University, Sweden
Teachers: Dr. Kathy Davis, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Dr. Andrea Petö, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary; Prof. Nina Lykke, Linköping University, Sweden.
The course will provide a forum for reflection and discussion of the ways in which different kinds of feminist theorists (from Hélène Cixous to Donna Haraway) have been writing in boundary spaces between theory and literature and deconstructed traditional borders between academic and creative writing. Continue reading

Event: Salon Fauxpas brutal „die Hysterie“, 20.12.07, Wien

Der kommende Salonabend am 20. Dezember 2007 wird folgendem Thema gewidmet:
In ihren monatlichen Salon fauxpas brutal in der neuen Bar von brut im Künstlerhaus laden Katrina Daschner und Gini Müller KünstlerInnen ein, die ein Interesse an performativen Fauxpas haben. Ob das ein Konzert, eine theatrale Lesung, eine Filmvorführung oder tatsächlich eine so genannte Live-Performance sein wird, ist selbstverständlich den jeweiligen Gästen selbst überlassen. Das monatliche Abendthema wird verantwortungsvoll spontan und autoritär von den Gastgeberinnen bestimmt. Salon fauxpas brutal findet seit November regelmäßig in der Bar von brut im Künstlerhaus stattfinden.
Performances von den Künstlerinnen:EUN-JUNG PARK und DENISE POSSELT Continue reading


Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference at Manchester University, June 27, 2008. In association with Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies/ University of Leeds Migration and Diaspora Cultural Studies Network Department of Theology and Religious Studies/University of Leeds Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies/University of Manchester
This one day postgraduate conference seeks to examine issues of gender and borders/boundaries across a range of critical perspectives. We want to encourage innovative and interdisciplinary dialogues and welcome postgraduate students from a variety of disciplines, such as anthropology, cultural studies, gender studies, religion, sociology, psychology, politics, geography and social work. Borders/boundaries are sites for exclusion, control and dominance, but they are also sites for exchange, transgression and creativity. With this postgraduate conference we want to focus on gender and the ways in which it interacts with the forces and powers of national borders and/or the boundaries of the body. We invite papers that focus on the dynamics between gender and borders/boundaries both from ethnographic and theoretical perspectives. Continue reading

CfP: ‘Aftermaths of War: „Women’s Movements and Female Activists, 1918-1923“, Deadline: 15.01.08

Following on from the publication in April 2007 of the volume A. S. Fell and I. E. Sharp (eds.) The Women’s Movement in Wartime: International Perspectives, 1914-19, Palgrave Macmillan, which deals with the responses of the international women’s movement to the First World War, the focus of this conference will be on the response, experience and representation of the organised women’s movement and individual activists to the aftermath of the war in the years 1918 and 1923. The approach is broadly historical, but we would welcome proposals from a range of different disciplines, such as Cultural and Gender/Women’s Studies, English, Sociology, Modern Languages and of course History. By bringing together scholars working on organised women and individual activists in national and transnational contexts, we hope to make a distinctive and worthwhile contribution to this area of studies. Continue reading

Vortrag Heidi Niederkofler: Frauenbewegte „Ursprünge“, 09.01.08, Wien

Gründungsgeschichten der parteipolitischen Frauenorganisationen nach 1945
Ort: IWK, 1090 Wien, Berggasse 17
Zeit: Mittwoch, 9. Jänner 2008, 18.30 Uhr
Die 1945 erfolgte Konstituierung der Frauenorganisationen der österreichischen politischen Parteien kann nicht unabhängig von den Frauenbewegungen der Zwischenkriegszeit und jenen vor 1918 gesehen werden.
Andererseits ist sie von den in der Nachkriegszeit gegründeten nicht parteipolitischen Frauenorganisationen geprägt. Diesen Naheverhältnissen und Nachfolgeansprüchen wird im Vortrag anhand der von den Frauenorganisationen der politischen Parteien KPÖ, SPÖ und ÖVP selbst produzierten Gründungs¬geschichten, ihren Erzählungen zur Organisationsgründung, nachgegangen. Continue reading

Konferenz: Transkulturalität und Gender in bildungshistorischer Perspektive, 08.-09.02.08, Köln

VeranstalterInnen: Dr. Wolfgang Gippert, Dr. Petra Götte, Dr. Elke Kleinau
Zeit: 08.-09.02.2008
Ort: Caritas-Akademie Köln-Hohenlind
Anmeldung bis: 15.01.2008
Website mit Programm

Diskussionen um den Kulturbegriff sowie um die Frage nach der tatsächlichen Verfasstheit von Kulturen haben sich seit den 1990er Jahren zunehmend dynamisiert – vornehmlich im Hinblick auf postmoderne Situationsbeschreibungen.
Ältere, essentialistische Kulturkonzepte sind in der Regel ethnisch fundiert; sie nehmen Abgrenzungen nach ›außen‹ vor und beruhen auf statischen Vorstellungen von sozialer Homogenität, die sich mittlerweile als unhaltbar erwiesen haben. Demgegenüber hat sich im Rahmen des ›cultural turn‹ ein Verständnis entwickelt, das von einer prinzipiellen Offenheit, Heterogenität und Pluralität von Kultur ausgeht. Continue reading

CfP: Ethnographies of Gender and Globalization (Event), Deadline: 01.02.08

LOVA (Netherlands Association for Gender and Feminist Anthropology) International Conference

Zeit: 3-4 July 2008
Ort: Amsterdam

Globalization is the result of the rapid exchange of ideas, peoples, goods, capital, information and technologies, and the general compression of distances and time. Globalization processes have a large impact on people’s everyday lives. Even in the most remote parts of the world, people and locations are being connected to each other. This interconnectedness can be seen as the core feature of globalization. In turn, people respond to new challenges and opportunities offered by globalization. Their daily actions produce, transform and determine the specific directions that globalization processes may take. Continue reading