Monthly Archives: Jänner 2009

CfP: Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire (Event: Ottawa), Deadline: January 15, 2009


Date: May 24-26, 2009
Location: Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

The CWSA/ACEF is now seeking proposals, in either French or English, for its annual conference, held in conjunction with the Congress of the CFHSS/FCSH. Submissions for papers and panels can be made by individuals or groups, and as joint sessions with other associations. The conference will be structured around two embedded themes in addition to an open call:

Theme 1: Roots, Territories, and Territorial Struggles in Women’s Studies

This theme honours a tradition of self-reflexivity within Women’s Studies Continue reading

CfA: Transdisciplinary Theories and Practices (Event: PhD course), Deadline: 20.01.2009

At: InterGender: Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies
Time: Feb 10-12, 2009

InterGender: Swedish-International Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies is a collaboration between major Swedish PhD programmes in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, located at the universities of Blekinge, Gothenburg, Linköping, Luleå, Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala, Umeå and Örebro, and three major European Gender Studies PhD programmes (the national dutch and the national Finnish Research School in Gender Studies as well as the PhD programme for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin) and finally, the Nordic Research School in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies.

Course coordinators
Prof. Lena Trojer, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Senior Lecturer Pirjo Elovaara, Blekinge Institute of Technology
PhD Student Rebecka Molin, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Dr. Bettina Bock v. Wulfingen, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany – in collaboration with InterGender Research School Director Prof. Nina Lykke, Linköping University, Sweden Continue reading

CfP: FrauenFrühlingsUni 2009 (Event: Graz)

Vom 3. bis 8. April 09 (Anfang der Osterferien) findet die FrauenFrühlingsUni 2009 statt. Diesmal an der Technischen Universität Graz.

CfP für Workshops zu den folgenden Themenachsen der FFU 09

  • Achse 1: Let’s stop sexism: meine Rechte gegen Diskriminierung
  • Achse 2: Frauen in Bewegung: Aktion und Aktionismus
  • Achse 3: Frauen in der Technik – Frauen in den Medien: verkehrte Welt(en)?
  • „Dauerbrenner“ (Themen, die aktuell sind und immer diskutiert werden können, aber zu keiner der oben genannten Achsen passen): Körper, Alter, Frauengesundheit

Beschreibungen siehe weiter unten.

1) Was ist ein Workshop?

Erkenntnisse über die gesellschaftliche Strukturen, innerhalb deren wir uns bewegen, erlangt man aus unserer Sicht am besten im Rahmen eines Workshops. Angeleitet von Inputs der Workshopgestalterin sollen Diskussionen geführt werden rund um Continue reading

CFP: Criminalization and Sexuality (Publication: Journal Social Justice), Deadline: January 15th, 2009

The journal Social Justice invites contributions for the December 2009 issue, which will be devoted to the theme of Criminalization and Sexuality.

Over the past three decades, the U.S. has increasingly relied on criminalization as a strategy for managing social problems. As a result, over 2.3 million people are presently incarcerated, or 1 in every 100 adults, excluding those held in immigration detention, juvenile justice, or military facilities. Additionally, in the post-9/11 political context, new technologies of surveillance and detention have emerged, resulting in the criminalization and deportation of thousands of immigrants from the U.S., and the indefinite detention and abuse of prisoners of war around the globe. For this issue, we define criminalization to include de jure and de facto processes, so as to address law as it exists “on the books” and as it manifests in everyday life.

We approach sexuality with a particular focus on Continue reading

Global Online Exhibition | Women, Power and Politics – News!

The untold stories of women claiming and exercising their power around the world and throughout history come alive in International Museum of Women (I.M.O.W.)’s global online exhibition Women, Power and Politics.
The website has a fresh new look and is complete now: new graphics, a video overview and a toolkit for action are available.
Check it out at
Women, Power and Politics is available to audiences worldwide in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. We focus on one provocative new topic each month and ask the questions no one is asking. Like never before, women and men are focusing on issues of substance concerning women’s political participation. Visit the Women, Power and Politics exhibition to learn, speak and act to transform our world.

CfP: Annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA) (Event: San Diego, January 2010)

The 2010 AHA meeting will be held January 7-10, in San Diego, CA. Click here for the general cfp. Salon 21 presents a summary from gender/women-specific cfps (noticed at H-WOMEN@H-NET.MSU.EDU):


1) Society for the Study of Early Modern Women: CfP on topics relating to women and gender in the early modern world, Deadline: January 20

2) Society for the Study of Early Modern Women: CfP for the special Session on the theme of „Women and Entrepreneurship in the early modern World“ (Deadline ?)

3) Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (SHGAPE), Deadline: February 15, 2009

4) Tonia M. Compton, Department of History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln: CfP on topics focused on the the allotment of reservation lands to native women under the 1887 Dawes Act and its 1891 revisions, Deadline: February 1, 2009

5) Alison M. Parker, Department of History, SUNY Brockport: CFP: Possibilities and Limits of Biography in Comparative Perspective (Deadline ?)


1 + 2)

The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women (SSEMW) regularly co-sponsors a session at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association.
Proposals for Continue reading

CFP: Writing Bodies / Reading Bodies in Contemporary Women’s Writing, University of Oxford


The 2nd biennial conference of the Postgraduate Contemporary Women’s Writing Network (PG CWWN)

11th – 12th September 2009

Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Professor Lucie Armitt (University of Salford)

In recent decades, ficiton and critical theory have expanded, re-defined and re-written the body as a representative space, as a subject/ object of textual representation. Contemporary women writers in particular have adopted new ways of engaging with the body, for instance in terms of gender, race and nationality. This postgraduate conference seeks to explore how contemporary women’s writing from the 1970s onwards writes and read bodies in a range of social, political and cultural contexts. We especially encourage submissions on literature of 1990s onwards. Topics may include, but are by no means limited to:

HEUTE – Vortrag: Christiane Eifert: Die Internationale der Unternehmerinnen. Wirtschaft, Politik und Geschlecht in Europa nach 1945, 07.01.09

Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe: Geschichte am Mittwoch, Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien
Ort: Hauptgebäude der Uni Wien, Hs. 45 (2. Stock)
Zeit: Mittwoch, 7.1.2009, 18 h c.t.
Moderation: Christa Ehrmann-Hämmerle
Abstract: Der heutige Weltverband der Unternehmerinnen “Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises Mondiales” (FCEM) begann als ein kleiner französischer Verein unmittelbar nach der Befreiung Frankreichs im Herbst 1944. Innerhalb der folgenden Jahre verbreitete seine Gründerin, die Metall-Industrielle Yvonne Foinant, die Idee eines unabhängigen internationalen Unternehmerinnenverbandes in den westlichen Ländern und gründete Tochterorganisationen. Foinants Initiative knüpfte an Erfahrungen der Zwischenkriegszeit an, als sich Geschäftsfrauen erstmals weltweit eigenständig organisierten. Ihre und die Bestrebungen des Unternehmerinnenverbandes fügten sich gut in die französische Europapolitik der Nachkriegszeit ein, in die beginnende Formierung eines gemeinsamen Marktes und in den Kalten Krieg. Daher fand die Neugründung zunächst fast überall Unterstützung bei Politikern, vor allem aber bei Unternehmern und deren Organisationen.
Im Vortrag untersuche ich Continue reading