Monthly Archives: März 2009

CfP: Blut. Die Kraft des ganz besonderen Saftes in Medizin, Literatur, Geschichte und Kultur (Event: Aachen); DL 30.04.2009

Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Universitätsklinikum Aachen Dr. phil. Christine Knust (Federführung) Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Dr. phil. Dominik Groß Aachen

Zeit: 03.-04.07.2009,
Ort: Skillslab des Instituts für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, Medizinische Fakultät, RWTH Aachen
Deadline: 30.04.2009

Ziel des von der Gerda Henkel-Stiftung geförderten Symposiums ist eine kritische wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit einem konkreten, über kulturelle, fachliche und zeitliche Grenzen hinaus wirksamen Deutungsmuster von Blut: nämlich von Blut als dem Spender und Überträger von Kraft.
Intensiv diskutiert wird gegenwärtig in Medizin und Medien eine moderne Version des Umgangs mit „kraftvollem Blut“: Im Radsport ist Blutdoping seit einigen Jahren ein Faktum. Vollblut (eigenes oder fremdes) oder Zubereitungen, die rote Blutkörperchen bzw. künstliches Erythropoetin enthalten, werden verabreicht, damit Sportler – bedingt durch einen höheren Sauerstofftransport im Blut – bessere Leistungen Continue reading

Sistren Book Release, 18.-19.04.2009, Rome

Sistren is a DIY book collection about the intersection of race, class, gender and sexuality by feminists, lesbians, queers and trans coming from forced migration, slavery and the diaspora discourse.
Saturday 18th April 2009

  • Readings by

Humaira Saeed (Manchester,UK)
Sachi Nehra (London, UK),
Grada Kilomba (Berlin, Germany)

  • Gig by Kerieva McCormick (Edimburg, Scotland)

„Kerieva is a mystery; she is a performing musician and singer and simultaneously an international advocate of Roma(Gypsy) issues. Although based in Scotland, she has lived in too many countries to mention, frequently sighted in Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Ireland and Spain… Continue reading

CfP: Sensing masculinity. Thinking about the masculine body (Event: ESSHC 2010); DL: April 18, 2009

Josephine Hoegaerts, KULeuven; Thomas Buerman, UGent: International Institute of Social History Ghent

Datum: 13.-16.04.2010,
Ort: Bijloke site
Deadline: 18.04.2009

The sessions are organised as part of the “Gender and Women’s History” Network at the Social science history conference that will take place in Ghent, 13-16 april 2010.

Sensing Masculinity. Thinking about the Masculine Body

Thinking about representations of and discourses surrounding the male body usually entails thinking about the visible or tangible body. Studies concerning the history, sociology or anthropology of men’s bodies tend to focus on esthetical ideals (such as the muscular look), the ability to inflict or experience pain (most notably in times of war) or to give or experience pleasure (within or outside the hetero-normative bedroom). This CFP is an invitation to think about the masculine body once again, and to think beyond ‘seeing’ and ‘feeling’ as the only means to experience, analyse or represent bodies. Continue reading

CfP: Encyclopedia of Motherhood; DL: April 30, 2009

We are inviting academic editorial contributors to the Encyclopedia of Motherhood, a new 3-volume reference to be published in 2009 by Sage Publications. The General Editor for the encyclopedia is Andrea O’Reilly, Ph.D., York University, who will review all the articles for editorial content and academic consistency.

The following type of articles are available and submissions are due April 30, 2009: Articles on U.S. States and Countries – The state and country articles are profiles of motherhood in that geographic region and should include as many of the following information points as possible:

  • Number of children per mother in the state/country (and what that means)
  • State/national financial aid and supports for poor mothers, unwed mothers, etc.
  • Divorce rate of parents with children in the state/country
  • Cultural norms of motherhood in the state/country Continue reading

Vortrag – Alexandra Weiss: Familie als Ort des Glücks? Soziale Sicherungssysteme im Umbruch, 31.03.2009, Innsbruck

Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe „Frauen im 21. Jahrhundert. Situationen – Perspektiven Herausforderungen“
Zeit: Dienstag, 31. März 2009, 19.30 Uhr
Ort: Großer Saal, AK-Tirol, Maximilianstraße 7, 6020 Innsbruck
Neoliberale Politik hat eine Transformation ökonomischer, politischer und sozialer Verhältnisse eingeleitet. Auch Geschlechterverhältnisse und Familienformen werden im Zuges dieses Prozesses umgeformt, sie werden sogar vielfach als „Knotenpunkt“ gegenwärtiger Veränderungen betrachtet. Die mit Sozialstaatsabbau und Atypisierung einhergehende Prekarisierung von Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnissen, spiegeln sich in dem Ruf nach mehr Eigenverantwortung und der „Bürgergesellschaft“. Gesellschaftlich notwendige Reproduktionsarbeiten sollen wieder zunehmend in die Familie rückverlagert und Frauen vermehrt als „Wohlfahrts-Produzentinnen“ angesprochen werden. Während Frauen aber als „Marktsubjekte“ emanzipiert werden, bleibt die Frage der geschlechtsspezifischen Arbeitsteilung, die nach wie vor fast ungeteilte Zuständigkeit der Frauen für unbezahlte Arbeit, ungelöst. Während die private Betreuung von Kleinkindern durch Mütter finanziell unterstützt und „Mütterlichkeit“ ideologisch überhöht wird, sinken die Geburtenraten aber nach wie vor. Continue reading

WIDE Annual Conference 2009: Care Economy and Care Crises (18-20.06.09 Basel)

WIDE Annual Conference 2009, June 18-20 at the University of Basel, in Basel
Care Economy and Care Crises

Care work, paid and unpaid, is a reality for most women all over the world, and care is a field characterized by enormous asymmetries between women and men. The critical analysis of the gender division and the valuation of work have been central motives of and motivations for feminist theories and struggles since the 1970s.
In the context of the global financial crisis (in particular) and other global challenges (such as growing poverty, food crises, climate change, HIV/AIDS pandemic), care crises are becoming more and more evident. The approaches proposed by the political, economical, and humanitarian mainstream to face these crises ? i.e. public austerity policies, monetization of care and commercialization of essential public services, (re)privatization of care into households while simultaneously promoting market access for women ? are a multiple challenge for feminists: The misleading but generally accepted assumption is that women are dedicated to care by nature and that they have enough time and capacity to provide the framework for the (re)construction of care work. Alternative development concepts and economic structures, like a care- and provision driven economy, in which women have always been key actors, are persistently being marginalized. And moreover, global and local care regimes are establishing new unequal divisions of labor among women of different classes and origins.
The conference sheds light on crucial questions concerning these linked and multiple crises: Continue reading



‚Harbingers of death‘, ‚the shame and ruin of humanity‘, ‚anti-life‘, ‚threat to the survival of the human race‘, ‚moral and physical cripples‘, and ‚vampires sucking the life blood of the nation‘ are only some of the images of radical alterity invoked and regularly rehearsed by major political figures in post-socialist European countries when faced with native lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and queer (LGBTQ) claims to citizenship. Citizenship, understood here as the practicing of social, cultural, political and economic rights, and the active involvement in the organized life of a political community, is still firmly tied in most countries of Central and Eastern Europe to a heteropatriarchal social imaginary in which the nation continues to be metaphorically configured as the exclusive home of the traditional heterosexual family – the purveyor of pure ethnic bloodlines based on rigid asymmetrical power system of gender relations. The conflation of hterosexism with ethnic nationalism that permeates this imaginary also fuels a vicious politics of national belonging where the use of highly inflammatory, offensive and dehumanising language has led to a dramatic increase in violence against members of various sexual minorities, which Continue reading

Tagung und Podiumsdiskussion: EUROPA UND DAS ANDERE, 26.03.2009, Wien

Am 26. März 2009 veranstaltet das Institut für Konfliktforschung, das Demokratiezentrum Wien und das Institut für Politikwissenschaft eine Tagung zum Thema „Europa und das Andere“. Die Referate und Debattenbeiträge beschäftigen sich mit Kopftuchpolitiken, der „anderen“ Religion im Mediendiskurs und historisch-kulturell geformten „Türkenbildern“ im Kontext politischer Debatten.
Zeit: Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 10.00-19.00 Uhr
Beginn der Podiumsdiskussion: 17.15 Uhr
Ort: Aula des Universitätscampus, Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1, 1090 Wien

  • Eröffnungsvortrag – Sabine Strasser (METU Ankara und Universität Wien): „Zwischen Bedrohungen und Bereicherungen: Kulturelles Unbehagen und Integrationspolitik in Österreich“
  • Podiumsdiskussion – Gülmihri Aytac, Irene Brickner, Ursula Struppe und Manfried Welan: „Einwanderungsstadt Wien: Wie umgehen mit kultureller und religiöser Diversität?“, Moderation: Hikmet Kayahan.

Weiterführende Informationen und das detaillierte Programm hier

CfA: Workshop with Judith Halberstam (18.-20.05.2009, Lund); DL: 06.04.2009

Thematic workshop on Queer Studies with Judith Halberstam

Plats: Lund, Sverige

This doctoral course is a part of the InterGender research school programme, and it is taking place at the Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University. The aim of the course is to discuss the major paradigm shift in the field of queer studies today, as the last few years have seen the emergence of a body of queer scholarship that situates the study of sexuality at the intersection of questions of race, nationalism, globalization and militarism.

The number of course participants is limited to 10 Ph.D.-students, deadline for application is April 6, 2009. Continue reading

CfA: Summer School “Male and female he created them” – Masculine and feminine in Mediterranean religions (25.07-02.08.2009, Tübingen); DL: 31.03.2009

2nd Tübingen Summer School
Convenors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Morgenstern and Dr. Alexander Toepel (University of Tübingen, Germany)
The convenors of the 2nd Tübingen Summer School invite applications from graduate and postgraduate students in Religious, Oriental, Mediterranean and Jewish Studies, Jewish and Islamic Law, Canon Law, and related fields. The subject of this year’s summer school will be: “Male and female he created them” – Masculine and feminine in Mediterranean religions. Taking canonical texts (Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Rabbinical literature, Qur‛an and Hadith) as starting point we will discuss images of male and female in the Mediterranean religions and their impact upon religious law and Geistesgeschichte in a general way. Special emphasis will be put upon the reflection of Mediterranean gender constructions within the religious legislation of three major Mediterranean religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – and its ramifications in the present globalised context. The convenors look for students with an awareness of gender-related issues, an interest in cross-cultural studies, and expertise in their respective fields. Continue reading