Monthly Archives: Juli 2012

CfP: Tricky Women 2013. International Animation Film Festival Vienna; DL: 19.10.2012

10. Tricky Women 2013 (Web) (english Version below)
Zeit: 06.-10.03.2013
Ort: Wien
Einreichfrist (Poststempel): 19.10.2012
Tricky Women ist das erste und einzige Animationsfilmfestival, das sich speziell der Trickfilmkunst von Frauen widmet. Eingereicht werden können Animationen, die von Frauen realisiert, in den Jahren 2011 oder 2012 fertig gestellt wurden.

CfP: Feminists Interrogate States of Emergency (Publication: Feminist Formations, 2013, 25.2); DL: 01.08.2012

Feminist Formations (Web)

Deadline: 01.08.2012

This special issue will take up the concept of “states of emergency” as an object of feminist analysis. We seek essays that will interrogate the ways in which a “state of emergency,” whether it be about economic scarcity, morality under siege, sexual violence or national security, is politically constructed and (re)produced through myriad technologies of power. How do political actors define a moment as a state of emergency in order to mobilize publics, re-define citizenship, or deploy political machinery? At the same time, we invite scholarship that names states of emergency made invisible by existing public discourse. In addition to essays that analyze the role and power of difference in framing narratives of emergency, we invite papers that question what can “count” as a state of emergency. For example, how can the racialized, sexualized and gendered exigencies  … read more (Web)

CfP: Murderous inclusions (Publication: International Feminist Journal of Politics); DL: 01.08.2012

International Feminist Journal of Politics, Guest editors: Jin Haritaworn, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Adi Kuntsman, The University of Manchester, Silvia Posocco, Birkbeck, University of London

Deadline: 01.08.2012, CfP-PDF

Sexual citizenship is usually examined though the lens of inclusion into rights, legal and political subjecthood through sexuality. What has received less scholarly attention is the problem of inclusion itself, and its costs. Instead of focusing on the inclusion and incorporation of sexual minorities as a certain pathway to progressive politics, this special issue explores inclusions that are murderous: it aspires to decouple the link between inclusion, queer politics and justice. The special issue seeks to critically examine parameters of sexual citizenship that accompany or work hand in hand with violent regimes of coloniality, „wars on terror“, „development“ and structural adjustment, criminalisation, pathologisation, border enforcement and neoliberalism. What new techniques of governance … read more (PDF)

CfP: Queer sexualities, nationalism and racism in the new Europe (Event: 10/2012, London): DL: 31.07.2012

Time: Friday 19th October 2012
Venue: Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University
Deadline: 31.07.2012, Cfp-PDF

Over the last few years, debates about nationalism and racism have received renewed critical attention within queer/sexuality studies. Just as the boundaries of ‘ Europe’ are being redefined through economic and political integration, the protection of sexual citizenship rights is increasingly celebrated as a core ‘European’ value. However, this discourse has been deployed to produce new exclusions, in a context marked by the rise of defensive and inward-looking nationalisms, by the lingering ‘war on terror’, by increased mobilities within Europe and by initiatives aimed at limiting migration towards ‘Fortress Europe’. As the secular liberalism that inspired both feminism and gay liberation is increasingly becoming conflated with ‘Europeannes’ and ‘whiteness’, important questions are raised about … read more (PDF)

Konferenz: Die Bedeutung des Faktors Geschlecht im soziopolitischen Raum der römischen Kaiserzeit, 20.-21.07.2012, Darmstadt

Frauke Hutmacher (Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin) und Sven Page (Technische Univ. Darmstadt) (Web)
Zeit: 20.-21.07.2012
Ort: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Die soziopolitische Ordnung des Imperium Romanum bestand aus zahlreichen gesellschaftlichen, politischen und kulturellen Elementen, welche in ihrer einzigartigen Konstellation die Lebenswelt und Existenz ihrer Zeitgenossen bestimmten. Um diese untersuchen zu können, stehen der altertumswissenschaftlichen Forschung verschiedene Lösungsansätze und Denkmodelle zur Verfügung. Die Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre haben jedoch deutlich machen können, dass all diese Konzepte ohne die Einbeziehung des Faktors Geschlecht die gesellschaftliche und politische Komplexität der römischen Kaiserzeit letztlich stets nur bis zu einem gewissen Grad zu erfassen vermögen. … weiterlesen (und Quelle) (Web)

CfP: Unveiling Fashion: Gender, Islam and Global Modernities (Publication); DL: 31.07.2012

This collection of interdisciplinary essays will trace the historical trajectory of the production, circulation, and consumption of Muslim femininity and fashion from early modernity to the era of transnational globalization. The essays will collectively work through the politics of zenana (feminine) fashion, to unravel how dress and appearance have historically constituted complex, embodied performances of Muslim feminine identity and community in the global arena.

Our goal is to investigate the aesthetic and political impact of discourses of modernity in the fashioning of Muslim womens bodies, dress, and lives in multiple geographical sites from the early modern period through the post-9/11 era. The editors are especially interested in essays that theorize fashion in new, innovative ways so as to complicate traditional accounts of the harem, seraglio, and zenana as secluded spaces harboring communities frozen in time. Continue reading

Vortrag: Márgara Millán: Feminismos descoloniales en América Latina y una modernidad alternativa (Entkolonialisierende Feminismen in Lateinamerika und eine alternative Moderne), 19.07.2012, Wien

Österreichisches Institut für internationale Politik – oiip (Web)
Zeit: 19.07.2012, 18.00 Uhr
Ort: oiip, Berggasse 7, 1090 Wien

  • Begrüßung: Helga Konrad, BM a.D. f. Frauenangelegenheiten, Internationale Konsulentin f. den Kampf gegen Menschenhandel, oiip
  • Einleitende Worte: Prof. Ulrich Brand, Institut f. Politikwissenschaft

Vortrag in spanischer Sprache, Übersetzung: Werner Hörtner, Südwind
Wenngleich die Rezeption sogenannter teoría descolonial (entkolonialisierende Theorie) in Lateinamerika jüngeren Ursprungs ist, geht ihr doch eine jahrzehntelange kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Kolonialität voraus, die durch die Entwicklung des sogenannten pensamiento propio geprägt war. In den letzten zwanzig Jahren Continue reading

CfP: Making the Difference – Diversity, Inequality, and Intersectionality in Theory and Practice (Publication: Journal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion); DL: 31.07.2012

Special Issue of the Journal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Deadline: 31.07.2012, CfP als PDF

Since the breakdown of socialist systems, all modern societies can be understood as effectively capitalist societies and hence revived in a stark form the confrontation and tensions between the original principle of formal equality expressed in bourgeois philosophical ethics and the ultimate outcome of ever greater economic inequality (between nations, groups, and individuals).
Historically, the economic order has been grounded in the division between domestic labour and gainful employment (work); and as well on ownership relations manifesting inequalities between class, gender, and ethnic groups within the state, and between rival nation states within a system of international dependencies. Empirically, these orders of inequality are exhibited within the social order, for example in the subordination of private households to the economy as a whole, in the unequal value ascribed to differing economic sectors and in the societal position of individuals.

CfP: Racialising Desire (Event: 12/2012, Adelaide/AUS); DL: 31.07.2012

ACRAWSA: Australian Critical Race And Whiteness Studies Association 2012, Conference-Webiste

Time: 13 December 2012
Venue: Adelaide, South Australia
Deadline 31.07.2012

This conference aims to focus on the imbrication of desire in the project of local, national and global forms of racialised domination. By taking desire as its starting place, the conference will aim to problematize how race shapes desire (and desire shapes race) in as diverse forms as gender, sexuality, consumerism, identity, embodiment, occupation, territory, knowledge and the possessive investments that often underpin claims to belonging and indeed being. Importantly, the conference will focus on desire within both mainstream and marginal communities, and from across borders and communities, and draw upon a broad understanding of what constitutes ‘desire’. It will also consider the desire for difference. … Read more (Website)

Workshop: Körperwahrnehmung. Körperrepräsentation, 19.-21.07.2012, Lüneburg

Yvonne Förster-Beuthan, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Institut für Kulturtheorie, Kulturforschung und Künste, Abteilung Philosophie
Ort: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Datum: 19.-21.07.2012
Anmeldung bis 15.07.2012
Auf der Suche nach Antworten über die Natur des Bewusstseins erlebt der Begriff des Körpers derzeit eine nicht zu übersehende Renaissance. Der Körper bildet die Schnittstelle, an der sich die Perspektiven der Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften überschneiden und neue Verbindungen eingehen.
Das Ziel des Workshops ist es, einen Diskurs zwischen kulturwissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und soziologischen Sichtweisen auf das Thema des Körpers und seiner Darstellung anzustoßen. Dabei werden Fragen zum Spannungsfeld von Erfahrung der Leiblichkeit, der Bedeutung des Körpers für Kognition sowie die Medialität des Körpers und seine Repräsentation aus verschiedenen Fachperspektiven diskutiert.
Programm und Kontakt (und Quelle) (Web)