Call for papers for the conference and for a special issue of DEP in July 2018: DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe. Online journal of studies on women’s memories (Web)
Venue: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Time: 30.11.-01.12.2017
Proposals by: 1st March 2017
Within the 16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence Campaign promoted by the United Nations (UniTe to end violence against women, Link), the journal DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe (Link) is organising an international conference on the theme of borders in feminist theories.
Borders, lines drawn to mark a difference and make it normative, and the place of an always potential violence, have been in recent years at the centre of feminist thought, an inclusive approach in which borders – geographical, cultural, religious, linguistic, of gender and species – have been unveiled, crossed and challenged.
The interpretation of war as a violent redefinition of borders, and of the relationship between human beings and nature as an expression of patriarchal dominion and oppositional thought, as well as the reflection on monotheist religions that have idealised dominion, on the formation of a country, on the use of language and the meaning of its translation, have led to the development of new critical theories relating to law, citizenship, ecology, international relations, knowledge, and economics. The dichotomies that Continue reading