Gender Sexuality & Violence Research Network (Web), supported by the AHRC/CHASE
Venue: University of London
Time: 30th September 2017
Proposals by: 30th April 2017
Keynote: Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University)
How might logics of militarism, patriarchy and heteronormativity be enmeshed and interdependent? By the same token, how might feminist, queer and pacifist politics draw on each other in the struggle for equality and against war? How do cultural representations in the media, art and literature shape and normalise such heteronormative practices? In thinking through the potential tensions and alliances between these ideologies, this conference seeks to reconsider the relations between gender, sexuality and violence.
20th- and 21th-century Western norms have largely centred on the fantasy of hegemonic masculinity as the only subject able to manifest ‚control‘, a subject that has given flesh to the nationalist ideals of sovereignty and self-determination. Women, queer identities, colonial subjects, and enemies in wartime have often been subordinated within this model of the body politic. These excluded subjects must be managed to maintain a social order grounded in the privileging of white, heterosexual, militarised masculinity. Read more … (Web)