Elizabeth S. Cohen, and Marlee Couling, Department of History York University, Toronto, Canada (Web)
Proposals by: 31.10.2019
At RSA 2019 a successful pair of panels on the networks of non-elite women in early modern societies were presented. The editors are now developing an edited collection on this topic with a broad scope in space (global) and time (ca. 1400-1750).
The editors are interested in the wide variety of networks which non-elite women built and used, especially but not only those with other women. The aim is to elaborate understandings of the lives of working, poor, and marginalized women in early modern societies and to encourage cross-cultural comparisons.
Themes might include: relationships between peers or across social categories, such as mistress and servant; meanings of friendship among plebeian women; the role of gender in female same-sex relationships; emotions, especially empathy and compassion; instrumentality and collaboration; and coping strategies, including the illegal.
Representations drawn from archival sources, visual imagery, and literary texts are welcome.
If you are interested in contributing, please send a title, 150-word abstract, and one-page CV to Marlee Couling at marleej@yorku.ca by October 31st, 2019.
Source: H-Net Notifications