Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Marburg; Heidi Hein-Kircher (Web)
Time: 12.07.2021
Venue: Virtual space, via Marburg
Social change caused by industrialization and urbanization as well as by cultural and political modernization provoked a re-configuration of family conceptions. The demand to determine the number of offspring became a major political claim of women’s rights movements before it became part of “normality” within family life. “Family planning” as a practice was hence a result of value changes caused by social changes: since then, it developed step-by-step from a significant individual practice to a human right. During social, political, and economic crises and periods of rapid social change, “family planning” has become a target of political attacks, for example as revealed by the new Polish anti-abortion law and discussion about sexual education.
10:00 am: Welcome: Heidi Hein-Kircher (Marburg)
10:15 am: Chair: Heidi Hein-Kircher
- Gábor Koloh (Szeged): Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Family Planning in Southern Transdanubia (Hungary), 19th Century
- Filip Emanuel Schuffert (Gießen): Gieschewald – a New Village for Miners and their Families
10:45 am Break
11:00 am: Chair: Elisa-Maria Hiemer (Marburg)
- Dominika Kleinova (Pardubice): She-Wolves and Children of the Night: Birth Control and Family Planning from the Perspective of Prostitutes in the Interwar Czechoslovakia
- Sylwia Kuzma-Markowska (Warsaw): Conflicts and Interdependencies: Family Planning Narratives and Activisms in Interwar Poland
- Lemontzoglou Tryfonas (Athens): Revisiting the “Illegitimacy” Phenomenon: Evidence from the 20th Century Greek Censuses
11:45 pm Lunch Break
12:30 pm: Chair: Halyna Roshchyna (Hamburg)
- Eva Škorvanková (Bratislava): Family Planning in Slovakia 1939–1945 and its Ideological Influences
- Katerina Piro (Mannheim): The Secret Baby Project: a Case Study from Lithuania and Italy on Knowledge, Self-determination and Generations
- Anja Titze (Mannheim): Changing Systems, Changing Norms Reproductive Rights in Ireland and Poland after 1945
- Jakub Galeziowski (Warsaw): Approaches to Survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence in Post-War Poland. Discourses in Polish Press: Political, Religious and Medical, 1945–1946
1.30 pm Break
1.45 pm: Chair: Isabel Heinemann (Münster)
- Agata Ignaciuk (Granada): Countertechnologies of Care. Vacuum Aspiration in State Socialist Poland
- Ivana Dobrivojevic Tomic (Belgrade): Family Planning in Socialist Yugoslavia
- Ieva Balciune (Vilnius): Motherhood and Family Planning Issues in the Soviet Lithuanian Magazine for Women “Tarybinc Moteris”
2.30 pm Break
2.45 pm: Chair: Denisa Neštáková (Marburg)
- Fanni Svégel (Budapest): From “Abortion Culture” to Family Planning. The Continuities and Discontinuities of Birth Control Regimes in 20th Century Hungary
- Nadezhda Beliakova (Moscow) and Nataliya Shok (Nizhny Novgorod): Late Soviet Plurality of “Family Planning” Concept: Actors and Individual Choices
- Michael Zok (Warsaw): “Love is a Battlefield”. Sexuality, Reproductive Rights, and Partnership as Areas of Conflict in Post-War Poland
3.30 pm: Final Discussion: Elisa-Maria Hiemer and Denisa Neštáková (Marburg)
- Concluding Remarks and Outlook on the Final Conference in January 2022
- Moderation: Heidi Hein-Kircher (Marburg)
Heidi Hein-Kircher
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
Institute of the Leibnitz Association
Gisonenweg 5-7, 35037 Marburg, Germany
or Hanna Meisel