Research Network Gender – Power Relations – State (Geschlecht | Macht | Staat) (Web)
Time: 23.-25.11.2022
Venue: Marburg
Registration: 06.11.2022
Since the late 15th century, discursive and social practices as well as media representations of power, sovereignty, and gender can be observed in relation to contemporary processes of early state formation, which aim at a specific consolidation and expansion of hierarchical gender orders. Throughout the centuries, strategies to legitimize specific power relations have employed above all historically grown traditions in their argumentation, the powerful impact of which allegedly shows in the longue durée. An analytical focus on continuities, however, threatens to obscure historical ruptures as well as reinterpretations and reframings of earlier media representations. Inconsistencies and conflicts between norms and social practices are also likely to fall from view.
Therefore, the network »Gender, Power Relations, and the State« in cooperation with the Centre for Gender Studies and Feminist Future Studies (UMR) and the Centre for Media and Interactivity (JLU Gießen) will host this conference, to examine the power relations at work in the construction, dissemination, and persistence of such narratives and to analyse their interrelations with social practices, processes of standardization, and media representations. Read more and source … (Web)
- Panels: Medialization of Gendered Rule in the Early Modern Period | Imaginations of Female Presidency in TV Series | Entangling Conceptions of ›Weak Rule‹ and ›Femininity‹ from Shakespeare Plays to Presidential Representation | Subalternity and Epistemic Violence | Sexuality, Violence, and the State: Norms and Regulations | Women as Newly Emergent Political Actors
- Keynotes: Myra Marx Ferree | Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly | Claudia Ulbrich | Birgit Sauer