CfP: Oral history and Gender (Publication: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/“Journal for Gender Studies“); DL: 01.10.2011

Special Issue, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/“Journal for Gender Studies“ (Website)

Deadline: 01.10.2011

In this special issue, the Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies wants to trace the specific gender aspects that play a role in oral history. Researchers and others who have been involved in oral history projects are called upon to contribute. Questions that could be addressed concern the character and the history of the method itself in relation to gender: where does the interest of feminist researchers in oral history come from; what is the unique character of oral history as a method? Which methodological and theoretical aspects play a role in the collecting of stories of women and men for one’s research? How has oral history as a research method developed in relation to gender research? What is the role of new technologies in gender-based oral history? How can oral history be applied to interrogate gender inequality?

Contributions in English are welcome. Please ask the contact person for further details.

Contact: Jantine Oldersma

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