Forth international and interdisciplinary workshop within the scope of women and gender-studies at the University of Luxembourg
Dear colleagues,
Since the creation of the University of Luxembourg every year a Workshop to discuss women and gender themes has been organized. So in 2007 we will focus on the aspects of power and changes. Gender relationship as a result of the social processes; changes in time; different and similar forms of the gender relationship of groups distinguished by age, socio-economic
status, ethic provenience and sexual orientation; gender policy; the impact of education, socialisation and cultivation; normative orientation regarding to constructions of gender relationship; alternative and innovative forms of cohabitation of the sexes; behaviour between women, men and all the others in purpose of democratically and solidarity structures and the search of answers to improve the reconciliation between work and private life are some aspects to be discussed during the workshop. According to the former workshops, the scientists are asked to present their research-projects as well as their results and answers to fundamental questions in the field of women and gender research in front of an interested and specialised public.
First of all it imports to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective to visualize the transversal axis of the gender aspect. The workshop aims at the visibility and promotion of women and gender research activities in Luxembourg. The yet existing networking between scientists of different disciplines should be continued and developed.
The workshop of this year will take place from November 26 to November 28, 2007 Campus Walferdange, University of Luxembourg
Every contribution should not last longer than half an hour to allow an equitable time for discussion.
Everyone who is interested to participate should send a short abstract before June 25, 2007 at my e-mail address:
If there reminds questions don’t hesitate to contact me. With best wishes Dr. Christel Baltes-Löhr
Women and Gender delegate at the University of Luxembourg Campus Walferdange; B.P. 2; L-7201 Walferdange; Tel.: ++352/ 46 66 44 9272 / Fax.: ++352/ 46 66 44 9950