Loyola University Chicago: The Lili Elbe Digital Archive (Web)
Zum 100-Jahres-Jubiläum der Eröffnung des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft von Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin ging am 6. Juli 2019 das „Lili Elbe Digital Archive“ online:
In 1930 Danish artist Einar Wegener (1882-1931) underwent a series of surgeries to live as Lili Ilse Elvenes – more commonly known as Lili Elbe. Her life story, „Fra Mand til Kvinde“ (From Man to Woman), published in Copenhagen in 1931, is the first popular full-length (auto)biographical narrative of a subject who undergoes genital transformation surgery (Genitalumwandlung).
The Lili Elbe Digital Archive is a companion to the book publication „Man into Woman: A Comparative Scholarly Edition“, which was published by Bloomsbury 2020 (Web). It is a thoroughly annotated version of the American first edition with an extensive introduction and six new essays on this narrative.
The site provides a collation of the four primary editions of Elbe’s narrative published in three languages (Danish, German, and English) between 1931 and 1933, as well as the German typescript, published here for the first time. Eventually the collation will include the French version, published over five issues of Voilà magazine in 1934. The collation is supplemented by archival materials, including letters by Lili Elbe and by and to her editor, Ernst Harthern (a.k.a., Niels Hoyer); articles about Lili Elbe and the Wegeners from Danish newspapers; and chapters on Lili Elbe from Magnus Hirschfeld’s Le Sexe Inconnu (1935) and Hélène Allatini’s memoir Mosaïques (1939). Danish- and German-language materials have been translated into English, including the Danish first edition and the German typescript. To the editors knowledge, this is the first complete English translation of Fra Mande til Kvinde to be published.
This digital edition and archive is the achievement of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, librarians and archivists at Loyola University Chicago, as well as contributing faculty, scholars, students, and archivists from other institutions in the US, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. (Web)
Der Hinweis auf das Portal wurde über den Facebook-Auftritt des FFBIZ – Das feministische Archiv Berlin (Web) gefunden.