CfP: Gender Knowledges and Cultures of Equalities in Global Contexts (Publication); by: 01.09.2024

Social Sciences (Web); Suzanne Clisby (Univ. of Lincoln) and Mark Johnson (Univ. of London)

Proposals by: 01.09.2024

In this Special Issue of Social Sciences the editors invite papers that investigate different knowledges and understandings of gender and equalities, explore peoples everyday embodied experiences of in/equalities and foreground the diverse cultural practices developed in different parts of the world to address, enable or enhance equalities. Here they adopt a critical feminist and decolonial perspective that contests assumptions that cultures of equality originate in and flow from specifically historically dominant spaces and seek to highlight the creative practices that challenge social injustice and enhance gender equalities in diverse cultural contexts. By „gender“ the editors mean both ideologies and embodied practices through which femininities, masculinities, transgender and Queer subjectivities are produced and the relations between people who occupy differently gendered subject positions: subjectivities and subject positions that are mutually shaped by the intersections of sexuality, race/ethnic ity, nationality, class, dis/ability and age. The editors see equality, especially gender equality, as a culturally contingent product and seek to bring together interdisciplinary work to investigate the production and meanings of cultures of equality across a range of sites, events, practices and objects.
The editors view culture not only as a process of communication and contested arena of meaning making practices, but also as a process of invention and innovation. Here we ask how equalities are produced, embodied, objectified and visualised in and through a variety of cultural practices and sites. Investigating cultures of gender equality also requires us to examine the relations of inequality that are its corollary: this includes attending to how authorised versions of equality and inclusivity may produce new divisions and/or reproduce and reinforce existing inequalities. Read more and source … (Web)

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