Research Group Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights: Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth, and Heidemarie Winkel (Bielefeld Univ.) (Web)
Time: 10.-12.03.2022
Venue: virtueller Raum, via Bielefeld
In the academic year 2020/21, Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth and Heidemarie Winkel together with more than 20 fellows from different disciplinary backgrounds analyzed the specific mechanisms and patterns of contestations over women’s and gender rights in diverse contexts across the globe. This included a theoretical reconsideration of the causes and structures of gender inequality, such as global capitalism, neoliberalism, nationalisms, authoritarian states or fundamentalist religions, and the reconceptualization of notions of equality in selected contexts and empirically-based reconfiguration of struggles for women’s and gender rights. That way, the inherent contentious nature of equality rights and the development of equality principles as a globally contested terrain came into view – taking the division of labor, citizenship and religion as empirical arenas.
In the closing conference, the group wants to take a closer look at the central patterns and common – unifying – elements in the conflicts over gender rights, in order to better understand the mechanisms of contestation. Most notably, to address the ambivalences, contradictions and tensions between what has been achieved in the struggles for equality on the one hand and the current backlashes and attacks on the other hand. Read more … (Web)
- Ambivalences and contradictions in illiberal, authoritarian and populist contexts and ideological settings
- Reconsidering gender ideologies and gender myths
- Ambivalences and contradictions in neo-liberal contexts
- Freedom, Equality, Neo-Liberalism? The role of gender inequalities and ideologies
- Fundamentalist-authoritarian continuities
- Queer/Feminist Contestations I: Unruly practices
- Queer/Feminist Contestations II: Organized solidarities & institutionalized representation/contestations
Quelle: Hsozukult