Conference: Habsburg Civil Servants: Beyond State Apparatus, 28.-30.01.2022, virtual space

Daša Licen, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, and Alexander Maxwell, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Web)

Time: 28.-30.01.2022
Venue: virtual space
During the long 19th century, the Habsburg civil service grew steadily. The swelling ranks of clerks, inspectors, tax collectors, military recruiters, census-takers, policemen, judges, cartographers, sanitation officials, telegraph operators, and other minor officials did not form an entirely homogenous social group, differentiated as they were by educational attainment, region, rank, and status. They nevertheless formed an important social collective, characterized above all by literacy, but also by novel habits, values, cultural practices, and novel social circumstances.
To explore such issues, Alexander Maxwell and Daša Licen planned first an online conference. The rich program contains 24 lecturs to be held by international reserachers from several continents. Read more … (PDF).
The full program ist out now. Find the final program and the abstracts here (PDF)

  • Officials and early Nationalists
  • Between National and Imperial
  • The Emperor and hist Officials
  • Belles Lettres
  • The Police in society
  • Along the Adriatic Coast
  • Officials and Slavdom
  • Governing the Tyrol Alps
  • Bureaucrats and Labour
  • Official Careers
  • Official Containing Nationalism
  • The End of the Empire

CfP: A Century of Gender Equality Struggles in Turkey: Feminist History Revisited (Edited Volume); by: 28.02.2022

Diyâr. Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies (Web)

Proposals by: 28.02.2022

A special issue of the special series on „100 Years of the Republic of Turkey and the Engineering of a Nation“; Editors: Elife Biçer-Deveci (ETH Zurich) and Selin Çagatay (CEU Vienna/Budapest) (Web)

October 2023 will witness the centenary of the Republic of Turkey. On this occasion, the editors invite young scholars and established historians to revisit feminist history and reflect on the hundred years of modern Turkish history from the perspective of gender equality struggles. With this special issue, they wish to present novel research, cutting edge perspectives, and conceptual advances in feminist historiography of Turkey. Drawing on recent developments in women’s and gender studies towards more inclusive, de-centred and transnational accounts of feminist and LGBTI+ activism (Canning 2006; Cobble 2005; de Haan 2018; Hunt 2009; Laughlin et al. 2010; Motta et al. 2011; Orr and Braithwaite 2011; Roy 2016; Sangster and Luxton 2013), the editors seek contributions that examine gender equality struggles from a long-term perspective or with a focus on a specific period, and those that inquire into the interaction between national, sub-national and supra-national processes in gender politics.

With the term ‘gender equality struggles,’ the editors refer to all kinds of social and political activism (formal and informal, collective and individual) with an agenda of equal access of women and LGBTI+ people to the realms of economy, society, politics as well as cultural practices. At the same time, they set out to explore how the contested notion of ‘gender equality’ was shaped by various actors over time and different political projects existing side by side, such as feminist and antifeminist movements, competing over its definition (Kandiyoti 2011; Özcan 2020). Similarly, the editors have a broad understanding of activism that include not only collective, institutionalized, and contentious forms of activism and/or women-only organising, but also mix-gender organising, community-oriented efforts, and minor strategies of resistance for equality and liberation.

In recent years, significant contributions in women’s and gender history in Turkey investigated previously unexplored topics, destabilised established paradigms, and utilised new sources and methodologies … read more (PDF)


Seminar: Lindsay Keiter and Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor: The Emergence of the Marriage Market, 18.01.2022, virtual space

The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar-Series (Web)
Time: 18.01.2022, 5:15 PM (Time-zone America/NY)/23:15 Uhr in Europe
Venue: virtual space, via Boston
When did Americans begin using the term „the marriage market,“ and what does that tell us about society at the time? This article-in-progress traces the emergence of the concept of marriage as a market subject to supply and demand to the early 19th century.
Yet even as they referred to the marriage market, with its impersonal implications, many Americans resisted its complete commercialization. Marriage brokers – professional matchmakers – and matrimonial advertising attracted both clients and controversy. The metaphor of the marriage market reflected the entanglement of the sentimental home created by marriage and the competitive chaos of the expanding antebellum economy.

  • Author: Lindsay Keiter, Pennsylvania State University – Altoona (Web)
  • Comment: Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor, University of California – Davis
This semiar is a online event. The virtual program will be hosted on the video conference platform Zoom. Link to the registration (Web). Registrants will receive a confirmation message with attendance information.
The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar-Series (Web)
The History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Seminar-series ist hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society.
It invites you to join the conversation. The seminar brings together a diverse group of scholars and interested members of the public to workshop pre-circulated papers. After brief remarks from the author and an assigned commentator, the discussion is opened to the floor. All are encouraged to ask questions, provide feedback on the circulated essay, and discuss the topic at hand. The session is free and open to everyone.

Source: H-Net Notifications

Lecture: Johanna Gehmacher: Im/possible Careers and Scholarly Households. Gendered Scholarly Personae around 1900, 12.01.2022, virtual space

European University Institute (EUI)Max Weber Lecture (Web)
Time: Wed., 12.01.2022, 17.00-18.30 CET
Venue: Badia Fiesolana and virtual space (Zoom)
In German-speaking countries as elsewhere, women, especially from the middle classes, demanded entry into the male-dominated academic world with growing vehemence around 1900. Starting with the case of women’s rights activist Käthe Schirmacher, one of the first German women to earn a doctorate, this paper explores the constellations and dynamics that led to a re-organisation of the social field of knowledge production. Drawing on the concept of the scholarly persona as a mediating instance between individual aspirations and social relations it discusses the concept’s potential for a gender-sensitive history of science and knowledge. It argues that institutional and private arrangements that enable academics, intellectuals, and artists to concentrate on their work play an essential part in their production of knowledge and artistic work.
Exploring these arrangements, the paper shows the emergence of gendered hierarchies of collaboration that accompanied the advancement of women into the academic field in the early 20th century. However, it also points to the development of alternative forms of scholarly households, and to female couples particularly. Therefore, this paper argues that questions about gender-specific (as well as class-specific) life plans and careers in academic and creative fields can only be examined in a differentiated way if the various forms of academic and non-academic private support are systematically included in research on the scholarly or creative persona.
Johanna Gehmacher teaches history at the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. During the academic year 2018/19 she was Gerda Henkel Guest Professor at the Department for International History at the London School of Economics. She has published widely in the fields of gender history and contemporary history as well as on biographical methods. Among her recent publications is a comprehensive biography of Käthe Schirmacher published together with Elisa Heinrich and Corinna Oesch.
To attend (on premise or online), register here by 12 January 2022, 10.00 CET.

Tagung: Geschlecht und Gewalt in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 14.-16.02.2022, virtueller Raum

Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg; Eva Labouvie, Mareike Fingerhut-Säck und Susanne Klose (Web)

Zeit: 14.-16.02.2022
Ort: virtueller Raum – via Magdeburg
Anmeldung: bis 01.02.2022


im Layout als PDF oder auf der Tagungswebsite (Web)


  1. Gewalt – Geschlecht – Körper
  2. Gewalt – Geschlecht – Sexualität
  3. Systematische und institutionelle Gewalt von Staaten, in Kriegen und im Recht
  4. Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt im Kontext von Ehre und Mentalitäten
  5. Mediale Ausprägungen geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt

Kein Tag vergeht, an dem die Medien nicht von Gewalttaten in unterschiedlichsten Kontexten berichten. Auch in den Humanwissenschaften wird über Gewalt unter verschiedensten Perspektiven und mit vielfältigen Ansätzen diskutiert. Um bisherige Forschungsschwerpunkte und -blickrichtungen kritisch zu beleuchten und zu erweitern, hat sich die Tagung zum Ziel gesetzt, transdisziplinär und über sechs Jahrhunderte hinweg zu erforschen, wie Gewalttaten im Kontext von Geschlechtszugehörigkeiten bis heute konstruiert und von wem sie in welcher Form verübt werden. Gleichzeitig will sie beleuchten, wie sich historischer Wandel im Verständnis von Gewalt und in der Gewaltpraxis vollzogen hat.
Mit einem multiperspektivischen Blick auf die Verschränkungen von Geschlecht und Gewalt in unterschiedlichen Räumen und Zeiten sollen die Teilnehmer:innen zum einen mit der großen Bandbreite an Kontexten, Formen, Praktiken und Wahrnehmungen der Jahrhunderte lang erfahrbaren und ausgeübten Gewalt konfrontieren werden. Zum anderen ist es Anliegen der Tagung, Fragen nach Kontinuitäten bis in die Gegenwart, nach Brüchen, Gleichzeitigkeiten, Widersprüchen und den historischen Vergleich zu provozieren. Continue reading

Klicktipp: FRAmes on GENder (FRAGEN): Core Feminist Texts from the 2nd Wave of Feminsim from 29 Countries in Europe – in Open Access (Portal)

FRAmes on GENder (FRAGEN) – by Atria. Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History (Web)

From 2008 until 2011 29 European women’s libraries, genderstudies departments and scholars from all over Europe have been working together in the FRAGEN project. It was hosted by Atria in Amsterdam (PDF).

The project’s website was released in 2013. It brings together books, articles and pamphlets that were influential in the development of feminist ideas during the 2nd half of the 20th century – for the first time – and for free in Open Access.

The FRAGEN-database’s goals:

  • It creates a database of the original texts on gender+equality frames that have emerged from feminist movements in Europe.
  • It facilitates comparative research into the history of feminist thinking in 29 countries: 27 EU countries, plus Croatia and Turkey.
  • It organizes and facilitates access for researchers to this database. The texts are made available in an easily accessible online database: digitised and full text – and for free.

2018 the site was relaunched and now appears with a new interface – and the new name FRAmes on GENder (Web).

The countrie’s selections:

The sources in the database can be researched in different ways. By topic, or – as here – by the selections of the single countries. Here the website offers a linkage of the with similar texts from other countries (Web).

The selection for Austria:

The selection for Austria was choosen by Erna M. Appelt, Hanna Hacker, Margit Hauser, and Lisbeth N. Trallori.

  • „Shortlist Austria“: 9 titles – with short descriptions and the original texts as scans in free Open Access (Web)
  • „Longlist Austria“: 16 titles – nomination (PDF)

FRAGEN was part of the European research project QUING (Quality in Gender + Equality Politics), FP6 Integrated project 2006-2011.

Diskussion: Caroline Arni, Jürgen Kocka und Kim Christian Priemel mit Ulrike Schaper: Was ist eigentlich die historische Methode? Was bedeutet Vetorecht der Quellen?, 21.01.2022, virtueller Raum

Diskussionsreihe „Geschichtliche Grundfragen“; Rüdiger Graf, Matthias Pohlig und Ulrike Schaper (Web)
Zeit: 21.01.2022, 17.15-18.45 Uhr
Ort: virtueller Raum, via Potsdam
Mit den sozial-, geschlechter-, kultur- und globalgeschichtlichen Erweiterungen der Geschichtswissenschaft vor allem seit den 1970er-Jahren sind ihre Themen vielfältiger, die theoretischen Ansätze und Methoden pluraler und Forschungsdesigns multiperspektivischer geworden. Dementsprechend hat die Komplexität des Fachs zugenommen, das heute in seiner Vielgestaltigkeit gerade auch über die Epochengrenzen hinweg kaum noch zu überblicken ist. Angesichts dieser Pluralisierung scheinen die Konturen der Geschichtswissenschaft zu verschwimmen, was von den einen als „anything goes“ beklagt und von anderen als notwendige Diversitätssteigerung begrüßt wird.
Nach Ansicht der Organisator:innen der Diskussionsreihe stellen sich aber auch angesichts der Vervielfältigung von Perspektiven, Zugängen und Quellenkorpora auf einer ganz basalen Ebene des historischen Arbeitens noch immer gleiche oder zumindest ähnliche Grundfragen: Was ist eine gute historische Frage? Gibt eine Einheit der Geschichte oder nur partiale Geschichten? Wie politisch kann, darf und muss Geschichte sein? Ist historische Erkenntnis objektiv? Wie sollen die räumlichen und zeitlichen Bezüge unserer Forschungen gestaltet sein?
Zwar haben sich auch die historiographischen Theoriediskussionen seit den 1970er-Jahren ausdifferenziert und mit Anleihen aus den systematischen Nachbarwissenschaften zu diesen Fragen Stellung genommen, geklärt sind sie aber bei weitem nicht. Weil sie sich vielmehr in der alltäglichen historiographischen Praxis immer wieder aufs Neue stellen, möchten sie sie mit interessierten Kolleg*innen in loser Folge systematisch diskutieren und dabei vor allem den Brückenschlag zwischen abstrakter Theoriereflexion und konkreter historiographischer Arbeitspraxis suchen. Thema der zweiten Veranstaltung ist „Was ist eigentlich die historische Methode? Was bedeutet Vetorecht der Quellen?“

  • Eingangsstatements von Caroline Arni (Basel), Jürgen Kocka (Berlin) und Kim Christian Priemel (Oslo)
  • Diskussionsleitung: Ulrike Schaper (Berlin)

Organisation der Reihe im Wintersemester 2021/22: Continue reading

Vorträge und Flanerien: Anton Tantner: Der Linienwall | Der Donaukanal | Wiener Nummern, Jänner bis Juni 2022, Wien und virtueller Raum

Anton Tantner (Web)

Der Historiker Anton Tantner bietet zu seinen innovativen Forschungen regelmäßig Vorträge und von ihm sogenannte „Flanerien“ durch Wien und das Wiener Umland an. Veranstaltet von Labor Alltagskultur und den Wiener Volkshochschulen finden diese aktuell teilweise auch online statt.

Vorträge und Flanerien bis Juni 2022

  • Der Linienwall. Kontrolle und Protest an der Außengrenze Wiens: 14.01.2022, 03.03.2022 und 29.03.2022
  • Das Sandland an der March. Online-Flanerie: 20.01.2022
  • Der Donaukanal 1700-2021. Vom Lido der Arbeitslosen zum Investorentraum: 17.03.2022 und 15.06.2022
  • Wiener Nummern. Über den Furor der Zahlen zur Zeit der „Ersten Wiener Moderne“: 22.03.2022 und 23.06.2022
  • Stadtwildnis, Rittergau und alte Schanzen. Streifzüge rund um Wien. Online-Flanerie: 31.03.2022
  • Historische Streifzüge ins abseitige Wien: 19.05.2022
  • Der letzte Ausläufer des Linienwalls: Donauprallhang und Stadtwildnis: 20.05.2022

Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Terminen finden Sie auf der Website von Anton Tantner (Web).

Klappentext von „Von Straßenlaternen und Wanderdünen. Miniaturen aus dem abseitigen Wien“ (Wien 2020) (Link)
Die Miniaturen von Anton Tantner verdanken sich einer geradezu wissenschaftlichen Obsession für Abseitiges und Unbekanntes, für Renitenz und Eigensinn: Ganz gleich ob es sich um Blitzableiter, Zuchthäuser, unscheinbare Parkanlagen, um Splatterstories, die Trockenrasen des Marchfelds, um schräge Gestalten oder andere Zwischenwesen handelt, sie alle werden in diesem Band dem Vergessen entrissen. Inspiriert von Walter Benjamin und Michel Foucault werden diese Geschichten für die Erkenntnis der Gegenwart, vielleicht sogar für deren Veränderung mobilisiert. Ursprünglich in Wiener Print- und Onlinemedien erschienen – viele davon in der Straßenzeitung Augustin –, überraschen die 41 hier versammelten Entdeckungen und Einsichten, die einen neuen Zugang zur Wiener Geschichte erschließen und die LeserInnen dazu anstiften wollen, ihre eigenen Streifzüge durch die Welt der Vergangenheit zu unternehmen.

CfP: Troubling Terms and the Sex Trades (ZS Radical History Review); by: 01.02.2022

Radical History Review – Issue 149; Co-Edited by Rachel Schreiber and Judith Walkowitz (Web)

Proposals by: 01.02.2022

Prostitution, sex work, trafficking, and decriminalization are not only contentious feminist issues, but contentious words that have important and complex histories and cultural contexts. This special issue of the Radical History Review will explore the „troubling terms“ associated with sexual labor and exploitation.

This call for papers solicits a range of different submissions. It seeks article-length, historically-grounded pieces as well as shorter reflective pieces, both from historians and those who have worked with sex workers or as sex workers, about what these terms mean, and how their meaning and application have changed over time. The editors are soliciting submissions that focus on the history of keywords, such as: decriminalization, sex work, trafficking, sex slavery, harm reduction, demand, violence against women, and exiting. Each essay should address the history and politics of a „troubling term,“ as well as how and why it enables, distorts, or challenges efforts to write the histories of sexual labor and sexual exploitation. Submissions are especially encouraged that address the racial implication of these topics as well as transnational, global majority, and multilingual perspectives.

While numerous anthologies and encyclopedias of terms on sex work have been published, this issue does not assume these are static or neutral terms, but rather will emphasize their intellectual genealogy and their evolving political effects. Rather than positing definitive definitions, this issue will emphasize the ways in which these terms are troubled by competing histories; the political and linguistic cultures of translation; and their differing situation within contexts such as academic research, activist strategies, or praxes such as healthcare, legal frameworks, policy making, or advocacy.

By February 1, 2022, please submit a 1-2 page abstract summarizing the essay or article you wish to contribute as an attachment to with „Issue 149 Abstract Submission“ in the subject line. If you wish to contribute an essay on visual materials, please send any images as low-resolution digital files embedded in a Word document along with the text. If chosen for publication, you will later need to send high-resolution image files and secure permission to reprint all images.

By March 1, 2022 authors will be Continue reading

Talk: Shelia Rowbotham: Daring to Hope. A personal history of the politics of the 1970s, 08.01.2022, virtual space

Socialist History Society (SHS) (Web)
Time: 08.01.2022, 3pm
Venue: virtual space, via UK
The Socialist History Society (SHS) is pleased to announce that their first talk of 2022 will be with historian Sheila Rowbotham who will discuss her involvement in the women’s liberation movement, left-wing politics and the “alternative” culture of the 1970s.
This talk will cover episodes examined in Sheila Rowbotham’s recently published memoir, Daring to Hope, such as the first Women’s Liberation Conference at Ruskin College, in 1970, which she helped to initiate, her campaigning to help unionise night cleaners, for childcare and abortion rights.
During this decade, Sheila Rowbotham was influential in the development of socialist feminist ideas producing a series of landmark socialist-feminist books, such as Women, Resistance and Revolution, Woman’s Consciousness, Man’s World and Hidden from History: 300 years of Women’s Oppression and the Fight Against It. Sheila Rowbotham also co-authored Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism, with Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright.
In Daring to Hope Rowbotham demonstrates her profound awareness that the “personal is political” as she reflects on grassroots activism, communal living, collective organisation and the interconnections between personal liberation and wider political struggles.
The talk will be followed by a discussion.
It is free to all, but you must register in advance (Link).
Note: The event’s website indicates its start at 2pm. This is London time.
Source: The SHS-Mailinglist via