EX-AEQUO nr. 20 (Journal of the Portuguese Association of Women’s Studies – APEM)
Thematic section on „Doing Gender: performativities and queer approaches“
Edited by Conceição Nogueira (University of Minho) & João Manuel de Oliveira (CIS/ISCTE)
The shift of paradigm in gender, feminist and women¹s studies introduced by the seminal work of Judith Butler „Gender Trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity“ has fostered an impressive amount of research which has re-linked and re-thought the connection between gender, identity and desire.
With this special issue we aim at bringing those debates into the Portuguese scene, including the discussions related to gender performativity and queer theories.
We seek contributions (empirical or theoretical) that address the following subjects:
a) the relation between performativities and subjectivities
b) encounters between feminist theories and queer approaches
c) discursive studies about the homophobia and LGBT issues
d) analysis of relationships between gender performance and performativity
e) the place of queer in feminism and LGBT activism
f) feminist critiques of science
g) etc.
All contributions will be subject to a peer-review review process..
Submissions in Portuguese, French, Spanish or English should be sent to: apem#netcabo.pt
The norms of publication are available here
Closing date for submissions is May, 1 2009
Source: femail@liab.at