STICHWORT – Archiv der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung. Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Europride 2019 (Web)
Zeit: Fr., 14.06.2019, 15:30 bis 16:45 Uhr
Ort: STICHWORT, Gusshausstr. 20/1A+B, 1040 Wien
What did the first lesbian leaflet in Austria look like? When and where did the first lesbian group meet? Why did lesbians want to ride a tram together in the nineties? And how were international lesbian political agitations perceived in the Austrian lesbian movement?
Join Margit Hauser and Andrea Zaremba from the STICHWORT team to learn about Austrian lesbian activists and groups in a tour of our comprehensive women’s and lesbian movements collections.
Admission free/donations welcome. Archives Tour for Lesbian Europride Visitors. Women* only
Je nach Teilnehmerinnen kann die Führung auch auf deutsch stattfinden.