Family Migration from Italy, Kenya, Laos, Mexico, Somalia and Syria: Link to archival documents, published memoirs, oral history transcripts and personal interviews.
Description “This website was created by the students of ‚Making the Global Local: Pathways to Minnesota,‘ a joint undergraduate-graduate digital history course at the University of Minnesota in Spring 2012. We have chosen to focus our website on stories of family pathways to Minnesota. By focusing on ‚pathways,‘ we draw attention to the journey itself; in telling the stories of particular families, we make those journeys personal. One of our main intentions is to demonstrate the diversity of migration pathways as well as the multiple ways in which stories of these pathways can be told.
Each pathway story we tell here is unique: they span the course of the twentieth century; they originate in a diverse range of countries; they vary in length from a few days to several years. We collected these stories from different places: archival documents, published memoirs, oral history transcripts, personal interviews. The media through which we tell each story are similarly diverse: some of us tell a story through photographs and text, others through maps, others through videotaped interviews, still others through audio recordings. Yet all these pathways stories are tied together in that they trace a family journey to Minnesota.” Link