Monthly Archives: Feber 2013

Aletta’s new name: Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History

Aletta, Institute for Women’s history, the owner of database Mapping the World has launched her new name: Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History

On 28 January 2013, at a festive ceremony in Amsterdam, the new name of the Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History was revealed. It is Atria. This institute results from the merger of Aletta, Institute for Women’s History and E-Quality, Information Centre for Gender, Family and Diversity Issues. Both institutions have a long history of advocating for gender equality and women’s history.

Atria is the institute on gender equality and women’s history. It provides a deep understanding of women – in all their diversity – and their history: Atria identifies opportunities and challenges for equal rights and the empowerment of women. She brings these issues to light through her library and archive, as well as by publishing research, expert opinions and whitepapers and providing trainings for government, business and educational institutions. Atria will continue to maintain Mapping the world, the database of Women / Gender Information centres, libraries and archives around the world. Continue reading

Conference: Feminist Technoscience and Theory of the Body: Cases from Japan, Sweden and [elsewhere], 12.-14.03.2013, Uppsala

Symposium Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Website
The aim of this symposium is to exchange perspectives on the human body, technology and environment – nature – departing from feminist technoscience theories and methodologies.
The majority of the presenters are affiliated with Rikkyo University, Tokyo, and the research group led by Professor Tetsuya Kono, Department of Education, at Rikkyo. Their main geographical focus is on Japan. Also a couple of other scholars from Uppsala University, affiliated with the Centre for Gender Research, working on theories/aspects of and on the body, have been invited to present, as well as to be discussants. Read more (Web) …

Vortrag und Buchpräsentation: Ines Fritz und Andreas Kemper: Die Maskulisten. Organisierter Antifeminismus im deutschsprachigen Raum, 22.02.2013, Wien

Zeit: Freitag, 22. Februar 2013, 19:00
Ort: Buchhandlung ChickLit, Kleeblattgasse 7, 1010 Wien
›Maskulismus‹ ist die Selbstbezeichnung des modernisierten Antifeminismus. Der vorliegende Sammelband vereint aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse mit Erfahrungsberichten zum Maskulismus im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Im ersten Kapitel wird die Entwicklung des Maskulismus skizziert. Thomas Gesterkamp berichtet über die sich bereits in den 1990er Jahren etablierende Vaterrechtsbewegung. Jörg Rupp skizziert die Entwicklung der Männerrechtsbewegung von den Anfängen im Usenet und deren Ausbreitung im Web 2.0. Die interne Debatte über den antifeministischen Oslo-Attentäter Breivik und die vermeintliche Spaltung der Männerrechtsbewegung untersucht Andreas Kemper. Auf der Grundlage von drei wissenschaftlichen Continue reading

Call for Participation: Festival: Beyond western queer_feminism, 6-9 June 2013, Vienna

– – English version below – –

Next meeting: Thursday 21 February, 4pm, Referat Genderforschung, Campus Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1.11

Transregionales queer_feministisches Festival: Beyond western queer_feminism

Das, was im deutschsprachigen Raum unter (Queer_)Feminismus und Feminismen verstanden wird, sind Konzepte, die oft für sich beanspruchen, die einzig „Richtigen“ und „Gültigen“ zu sein. So werden queer 1)_feministische Initiativen, Aktionen und Gruppen aus „Ost-“ und „Südosteuropa“ häufig nur dann wahrgenommen und anerkannt, wenn sie bestimmten westlichen Vorstellungen davon entsprechen, wie (Queer_)Feminismus ‚auszusehen hat‘. Im Zuge der westeuropäischen Rezeption von queeren, queer-feministischen und feministischen Zugängen aus „dem Osten“ lässt sich dann eine Aneignung oder Konsumption dieser Ideen und Handlungen beobachten. Bei dieser Gelegenheit werden Continue reading

CfP: Intimate Migrations. A conference about marriage, sex work and kinship in transnational migrations (Event: 04/2013, Copenhagen); DL: 15.03.2013

Time: April 3-5 2013
Venue: Roskilde University and Danish Institute for International Studies in Copenhagen
Deadline: March 15 2013, Website

The conference offers a unique opportunity to discuss new and classic themes related to transnational migration and intimacy across social, cultural and political contexts. Intimate migrations may involve all forms of mobility motivated by or implying sexual and emotional intimacy, spanning what has been coined marriage migration, sex work migration, queer migration, sex tourism as well as mobilities involving transactional sex and love. Discussions evolving around sexual economies, global care chains, politics of affect and migration industries have disrupted previous analytical frameworks, tending to separate money and sex, intimacy and power, love and labor. Read more (Website) …


CfP: Shifting to Post-Crisis Welfare States in Europe? Long Term and Short Term Perspectives (Event, 06/2013, Berlin); DL: 01.03.2013

Nordic Centre of Excellence Programme on Welfare Research funded by NordForsk, organized in collaboration between NordForsk and the two Centres of Excellence NordWel and REASSESS. Website
Venue: Berlin
Time: June 4 – 5, 2013
New extended dealine: March 1, 2013
Welfare states develop, change and adapt to changing circumstances. Long-term incremental transformations, short-term ruptures and crises have been intertwined in the making and changing of welfare states. Over the last five years welfare states have been hit by a severe financial crisis. Its effects are in various ways related to structural changes associated with globalization, immigration, generational structures, and old and new social risks. The financial crisis has demonstrated international interdependencies and made the problems concerning the democratic legitimacy of national welfare states and European integration visible. Read more (Web) …

6. International Conference: „Her Story“: Transference methods of women’s biographies and autobiographies from the Holocaust, 04.-06.03.2013, Israel

The international conferences „Women and the Holocaust“ were first established in 2002 as a joint initiative of Beit Berl Academic College, Beit Terezin and Beit Lohamei Hagetaot.
All conferences take place in these three institutions, one day in each location. The lectures, workshops and events reflect the unique character of each institution.
The Sixth International Conference on Women and the Holocaust will focus on personal women’s life stories from gendered perspectives. It will reveal a wide range of individual stories of women during and after the Holocaust and will comprise an interesting, original and unique tapestry of women’s experiences. The conference will offer a methodological observation of these stories, that follows divers transference methods, in different voices, different emphasis and through a general analysis of the changes occurring in the female personal story genre on a timeline, and its connection to the changes in the field of Holocaust memory in general. Programm als PDF

Tagung: Exilforschung zu Österreich – Leistungen, Defizite & Perspektiven, 12.–14.03.2013, Wien

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (öge) in Kooperation mit den Instituten für Zeitgeschichte sowie Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Univ. Wien
Zeit: 12.–14. März 2013
Ort: Aula, Uni Campus Altes AKH | Spitalgasse 2-4 | 1090 Wien
Programm als PDF
Im März 2013, 75 Jahre nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an Nazideutschland, veranstaltet die öge in Kooperation mit den Instituten für Zeitgeschichte und Publizistik- u. Kommunikationswissenschaft diese internationale Tagung. Anschließend an den Tagungsband „Die Rezeption des Exils. Geschichte und Perspektiven der österreichischen Exilforschung“ (Evelyn Adunka u. Peter Roessler Hg., Mandelbaum Verlag 2003) wird Bilanz über die Leistungen im Bereich der Exilforschung der letzten rund zehn Jahre gezogen und dabei besonders die Desiderate bzw. weißen Flecken auf der Forschungslandkarte ausgemacht. Zudem soll ein deutlicher Fokus auf die Grundlagenforschung zum österreichischen Exil gerichtet werden, wobei im Zentrum das Exil als Folge von austrofaschistischem „Ständestaat“ und NS-Herrschaft steht.

CfP: Flow (Women and Gender network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference, 04/2014, Vienna); DL: 15.05.2013

The Women and Gender network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference (Web)

Venue: Vienna, Austria
Time: 23-26 April 2014
Deadline/Pre-Registration: 15 May 2013, Conference fee

It addresses gender as a historically and culturally variable category that is constitutive of classifying and interpreting the social world, of organizing social and power relations, of producing knowledge (such as historical knowledge), and of shaping experiences of women and men in the past. The network is welcoming research that is crossing epochs, regions, and disciplines. A specific theme is chosen for every conference. Women and Gender Network announces its call for papers with the general theme Flows.

The on-going globalization of our world can be resumed as flows of people, money, goods, ideas and knowledge. This phenomenon is not new, even though the Continue reading

CfP: History of Sexuality (History of Sexuality Network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference, 04/2014, Vienna); DL: 15.05.2013

The Sexuality Network at the 10th Europ. Social Science History Conference (Web)

Venue: Vienna, Austria
Time: 23-26 April 2014
Deadline/Pre-Registration: 15 May 2013, Conference fee

The Sexuality Network invites papers on the history of sexuality for inclusion in its programme of panels at this bi-annual conference.

The Sexuality Network of the ESSHC is one of the leading European arenas for new work on the history of sexuality. We welcome proposals for full panels (of 3-4 papers) as well as offers of individual papers. Papers and panels on all historical periods are welcome.

Our criteria for inclusion in the programme will be to highlight those panels and papers that display innovation, theoretical rigour, and exciting directions in research into the history of sexuality. Continue reading