CfP: Ladies in Arms. Representations of Shooting Women in Contemporary Popular Culture (Event, 10/2022, Vienna); by: 06.05.2022

University of Vienna: TACOMO: Transatlantic Cowgirl Mobilities; Stefanie Schäfer (Amerikanistik) und Teresa Hiergeist (Romanistik) (Web)

Zeit: 19.-21.10.2022
Ort: Wien
Einreichfrist: 06.05.2022

In contemporary popular culture, representations of shooting women abound: Super heroines, warrior goddesses, and female avengers brandish their weapons in movies, cartoons, comics and novels, advertisements, and on the shelves of toy stores (Inness 2018, 4); stories of cowgirls, huntresses, and female police officers and soldiers have received increased media attention in the past 30 years. This new omnipresence of the gun-toting woman in the cultural imaginary indicates her great potential to concentrate different discourses about gender, the legitimacy of violence, and social cohesion. She exposes the values, norms and attitudes of contemporary individuals, groups and societies. In this respect it comes as no surprise that narratives of shooting women negotiate a variety of positions and identities.

The conference interrogates constructions of ladies in arms and gunwomanship in contemporary popular culture, to detect the contextually varying valorizations and strategies of representation. We seek to locate the gunwoman in her historical genesis and to reveal her political, economical, social, and cultural functions. The organizers intend to reassess imaginations of armed women as modern site of gendered knowledge production and ask what kinds of discourses, contemporary and historical, are negotiated through the performance and reception of shooting women.

For the gathering in Vienna, the organizers are looking for contributions from the humanities and the social sciences on shooting women that discuss historical or fictional figures and groups and their changing (feminist) conceptualizations across the boundaries of race, class, and citizenship, with a special interest in Feminist and Gender Studies.

Possible topics may include – but are not limited to – the following:

  • gender stereotypes and shooting women
  • motherhood, domesticity, and gun ownership
  • revolution, anarchy and gunwomanship
  • memory production, monuments, and gunwomanship Continue reading

CfP: The Queen’s Resources: the lands, revenues, networks, and economic power of premodern royal women (Event: 09/2022, Winchester and virtual space); by: 25.04.2022

Projekt ‘Examining the Resources and Revenues of Royal Women in Premodern Europe’ (Web)

Time: 04.-06.09.2022
Venue: University of Winchester and virtual space
Proposals by: 25.04.2022

This conference, to be held  in hybrid form (in person or remote participation), seeks to examine the economic agency and activity of royal women across premodern Europe. This event is linked to the ‘Examining the Resources and Revenues of Royal Women in Premodern Europe’ project (Web) and seeks to provide both a venue for project participants to present their research and invite scholars working on related topics who may be interested in joining later phases of this developing initiative. The conference will both bring together the themes of previous workshops on lands, resources, affinities and administration and cover other areas related to the financial practices of royal women. The conference will also include a workshop where participants will work together to map the next phase of the project and develop an application for funding for future plans for collaborative research.

The organizers seek proposals for presentations in one of three formats: digital poster presentations, short papers for a ‘lightning round’ (c. 5-10 mins) and full-length papers (c. 20 mins). The list below gives a suggestion of various areas that your presentation may be linked to, but any subject which engages with the economic activity of royal women will be considered:

  • Lands (dower lands, lands inherited, administration of ‘crown’ lands)
  • Dowers and dowries
  • Account/Household books and financial records
  • Affinities and networks
  • Administrative activity and jurisdiction
  • Financial management or investment
  • Business activities
  • Revenue streams (wardships, taxation, custom duties etc) Continue reading

Buchpräsentation: Birgit Buchinger, Renate Böhm und Ela Groszmann: Kämpferinnen, 24.05.2022, Wien

STICHWORT – Archiv der Frauen- und Lesbenbewegung, Wien (Web)
Zeit: Di., 24.05.2022, 19.00 Uhr
Ort: STICHWORT, Gusshausstr. 20/1A+B, 1040 Wien
Sie sind Feministinnen. Sie brachten Frauenforschung an die Universitäten, machten Gewalt gegen Frauen öffentlich, erkämpften Frauenhäuser, deckten Frauendiskriminierung auf, entwickelten Gender-Studies. Sie erzählten die Geschichte der Frauen neu, drehten Filme, die mit Mythen aufräumten, belegten, dass es zu Patriarchat und Kapitalismus Alternativen gibt. Sie schrieben die ersten Frauenberichte. Sie wiesen nach, dass die Ökonomie auf einem Auge blind ist und die unbezahlte Arbeit der Frauen fürs Alltagsleben beharrlich ignoriert.
Heute sind sie 75+ und kämpfen immer noch. Jede von ihnen wurde in ihrem Bereich Wegbereiterin. 13 Autorinnen schreiben über sie und spinnen den Faden weiter. Damit das, was begonnen wurde, weitergetragen, weitererzählt, weitergeführt wird.
Die Herausgeberinnen Birgit Buchinger, Renate Böhm und Ela Groszmann präsentieren zunächst Idee und Geschichte des Buches „Kämpferinnen“­ (Mandelbaum Verlag, 2021) (Web). Im Anschluss lesen die Autorinnen Katherina Braschel, Mira Turba und Pimp Ois aus verschiedenen Porträts.

  • Autorinnen: Theresa Lechner, Katharina Krawagna-Pfeifer, Mira Turba, Andrea Woyke, Isabella Langer, Gudrun Seidenauer, Nicole Schaffer, Maria-Amancay Jenny, Sissi Banos, Katherina Braschel und Gabi Reinstadler.
  • Mit Portraits von Elisabeth Stiefel, Maria Mies, Frigga Haug, Marlies Hesse, Susanne Feigl, Christina von Braun, Ute Remus, Irene Stoehr, Erica Fischer, Helma Sick, Christina Thürmer-Rohr und Heide Göttner-Abendroth.

Anmeldung bis 23. Mai 2022, 12 Uhr an Bitte beachten Sie kurzfristig die Infos auf der Website zu den dann aktuellen Zutrittsregeln. UKB: € 2,90, Veranstaltung ür Frauen*.

Conference: Spaces and Locations of Migration, 12.-13.05.2022, Vienna

Annemarie Steidl (Univ. of Vienna), Oliver Kühschelm (zhmf/IGLR), Anne Unterwurzacher (FH St.Pölten), Mirjam Milharcic Hladnik and Aleksej Kalc (Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts) (Web)
Time: 12.-13.05.2022
Venue: Alte Kapelle, Campus, University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien
From a historical perspective, spatial mobility was/is part of daily practices. When people moved, they often did so because of better opportunities somewhere else; they repeatedly migrated due to economic circumstances, for cultural and individual reasons (e.g., lifestyle migration, educational migration), or in reaction to political emergencies, as a result of persecution, physical violence, or other kinds of repression. People were (and are) mobile in more complex ways than the once in a lifetime move from one social and cultural context to another. Their movements include ongoing, circular, or return migrations.
Moreover, migration cannot be reduced to cross-border movements. A more flexible definition of migration is needed that does not overlook the relevance of permanent or semipermanent changes of residence. Its scope cannot be limited to movements over long distances or across state borders. Permanent changes of residence are a worthy object of analysis but so are short-term stays, recurrent patterns of seasonal and circular mobility, and the practices of being constantly on the move of vagrants and traveling people. Even sedentariness does not constitute a clear-cut opposite to migration. The life course of many people includes at different times mobility as well as sedentariness – and many practices that lie somewhere in between.
Program as PDF

  • Panel 1: Working Spaces
  • Panel 2: Moving Cities
  • Panel 3: Trading and Staging Spaces
  • Panel 4: Glocal Entanglements
  • Panel 5: (No) Spaces for Refugees

The conference will therefore make an effort to capture the multidimensionality and the blurred/contested boundaries of migration, mobility, and sedentariness. Read more … (Web)

Vortrag: Jonathan Dumont: Mary of Burgundy and Margaret of Austria. Two Female Rulerships in the Habsburg Low Countries, 18.05.2022, Wien oder virtueller Raum

Vortrag der Reihe „Geschichte am Mittwoch“ des Instituts für Geschichte der Univ. Wien (Web) und Jour fixe des Instituts für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit
Zeit: 18.05.2022, 18.30-20.00 Uhr
Ort: Universität Wien, HS 30 – oder virtueller Raum
This lecture will focus on the legitimation of female rulership in the late 15th- and the early 16th-Habsburg Low Countries. During this period, the Low Countries were ruled by two women: Duchess Mary of Burgundy (r. 1477–1482) as sovereign ruler, and her daughter Margaret of Austria as governor general (1507–1515, 1519–1530). The context and the characteristics of these two rulerships were very different. Mary’s rule was contested by the king of France. She counterattacked by claiming that she was the sole heir of her father Duke Charles the Bold and therefore the only natural sovereign of her lands. Margaret of Austria ruled as governor general by delegation of her nephew Charles V’s sovereignty. She legitimated her position by relying on a very specific conception of power that characterised dynastic rulership: shared sovereignty.
This lecture will present the results of two recent collective books codirected by the speaker:

  • Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L’Estrange, and Samuel Mareel (Eds.): Marie de Bourgogne. Figure, principat et postérité d’une duchesse tardo- médiévale / Mary of Burgundy. Reign, ‘Persona’, and Legacy of a Late Medieval Duchess (coll. Burgundica 31, 2021, Web).
  • Jonathan Dumont, Laure Fagnart, Pierre-Gilles Girault, and Nicolas Le Roux (Eds.): La Paix des Dames (1529), Tours (coll. Renaissance, 2021, Web).

Moderation: Karl Vocelka
Jonathan Dumont holds a PhD in History, Art, and Archaeology (Univ. de Liège, Belgium). He is currently Research Fellow at the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Institut für Mittelalterforschung). His work focusses on late medieval and early modern political history and history of political cultures, particularly in France, the Low Countries, and the early Habsburg Monarchy.

Discusion: Aleksandar Rankovic, Perica Jovchevski, and Kathleen Zeidler: Collecting and Archiving LGBTIQ+ and Women’s Movements in the (Post-)Yugoslav Space, 25.04.2022, Vienna and virtual space

Fakultätszentrum für transdisziplinäre historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Studien (FakZen THKS): Gesprächsreihe Disziplinen in Bewegung (Web)

Zeit: 25.04.2022, 18:30-20:00 Uhr
Ort: Fakultätszentrum, Koling. 14-16, 1090 Wien, and virtual space

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer, as well as feminist activists have created a vast array of materials bearing witness to their struggle for liberation: magazines, photographs, books, papers, reports, leaflets and videos are tangible products of their historical agency. Recent activities in collecting, curating, and exhibiting these traces speak of an on-going process of (self-)historicization which raises a variety of significant questions:
How and where have archives been established by LGBTIQ+ and feminist activists across the Post-Yugoslav space? Is there a conflict of interest when activists themselves create archival knowledge? How can processes of LGBTIQ+ and feminist (self-)historicization look like in and beyond the (Post-)Yugoslav space? Which obstacles do activists face when creating archives? Where do we locate sexualities beyond LG in the context of LGBTIQ+ archives? Can there be a queer/feminist practice of collecting and archiving?

The topic is discussed by these researchers:

  • Aleksandar Rankovic (Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Univ. Wien) (Web)
  • Perica Jovchevski (Doctoral School, Central European Univ.)
  • Kathleen Zeidler (Graduate School, Univ. Leipzig)

This discussion will bring together perspectives of both practices of curating and of historical research based on LGBTIQ+/feminist related archival sources with a particular focus on (Post-)Yugoslavia.
The event will take place live in compliance with the current COVID-regulations. Please register in advance at if you want to join on site. If you want to follow online via Zoom please register here (Web).


CfP: Gender and Sport in a long-term perspective (Event, 11/2022, Roma); by: 15.05.2022

Società Italiana delle Storiche; Siglinde Clementi (Web)

Time: 17.-19.11.2022
Venue: Roma
Proposals by: 15.05.2022

Starting from the stages of women’s participation in the various sports disciplines, the conference aims to develop the role of feminist movements in stimulating or claiming women’s sports practice and the formal admission of women to competitions. Furthermore, it intends to investigate the field of sport as a fundamental context for the definition of male and female attributes, the construction of gender and binarism.

The successes of the ‚Azzurre‘, the discussions on professional women’s sport and the ensuing legal protection, the exclusion of women from certain sports, the controversy surrounding the natural testosterone levels of some women athletes, the political tensions generated by the restriction or exclusion of women from sport in certain regimes, the new visibility of the Paralympics, are just some of the current issues that touch on gender issues and call for in-depth reflection.

On an international level, in recent years there has been a proliferation of historical studies from a gender perspective on competitive and amateur sporting practices. Despite the fact that Italy is not absent in the panorama of studies – the Italian Society of Sport History has recently been established and the journal ‚Storia dello Sport. Rivista di studi contemporanei‘ – has been recently established, research is still relatively limited. In this context, the conference organised by the Società Italiana delle Storiche aims to stimulate research and to offer a ground for international comparison on sport in a long-term gender perspective.

Starting from the stages of women’s participation in the various sports disciplines, the conference aims to develop the role of feminist movements in stimulating or claiming women’s sports practice and the formal admission of women to competitions. Furthermore, it intends to investigate the field of sport as a fundamental context for the definition of male and female attributes, the construction of gender and binarism.

This is a terrain of competition and conflict, with forces on the ‚field‘ attempting to define the boundaries of male and female eligibility, and the bodies themselves, as demonstrated by … read more and source (Web).

International Workshop: Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Food, 05.-06.05.2022, Vienna

2nd Vienna Workshop on Gender & Sexuality in STEM Collections – Technisches Museum Wien (TMW) (Web)
Time: 05.-06.05.2022
Venue: TMW, Mariahilfer Str. 212, 1150 Wien
Registration by: 22.04.2022
Programm (PDF)

  • 11.00 Exhibition Tour: Get together & Tour “FoodPrints” & tasteLAB – by Sophie Gerber and Marion Oberhofer (Curators)
  • 1.30 Introduction: Martina Griesser-Stermscheg (TMW Research Institute), Sophie Gerber and Sophie Kühnlenz (Organisers, TMW): Welcome and Introduction

1.45 – Panel 1

  • Corinna Schmechel (HU Berlin): The Gendered History of Diet Tracking Technologies
  • Naomi Hammett (Lancaster Univ.): What future for fat cows?

3.30 – Panel 2

  • Sahar Tavakoli (Cornell Univ.): Butta la Pastiche! Camp visions and national palates
  • Fabiana Senkpiel (Bern Univ. of the Arts): How Soya the Cow is trying to save the world through veganism

5.30 – Keynote Lecture

  • Psyche Williams-Forson (Univ. of Maryland): Seeking the Absent Potential: When Food and Intersectionality Meetup in the Museum. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


  •  9.30 Wrap-up with Sophie Gerber & Sophie Kühnlenz

10.00 – Workshops 1 + 2

  • Anja Herrmann (Berlin): Fat Matters. Reflections on Fat_ness and Gender in the Collection of Technisches Museum Wien
  • Ana Daldon (TMW): In the name of fat. Curatorial game

1.30 – Workshop 3 Continue reading

Konferenz: Local Answers to Global Transitions – Challenges to Women’s and Gender Studies in Plurilocal Perspectives, 19.-21.05.2022, Oldenburg

ZFG – Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (Web)

Zeit: 19.-21.05.2022
Ort: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Celebrating 21 Years of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies.
Während der Gründungskonferenz „Societies in Transition – Challenges to Women’s and Gender Studies“ des ZFG – Zentrums für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung im Jahr 2001 war weithin eine Aufbruchstimmung spürbar. Wo stehen die Gender Studies heute? Welche politischen und institutionellen Bedingungen sind bestimmend? Welche theoretischen Konzepte, Entwicklungen und Perspektiven haben sich bewährt oder verändert? Dies möchten die Veranstalter:innen mit Wissenschaftler:innen und Activist Scholars aus Asien, Afrika, Nordamerika, West- und Osteuropa und vielen teilnehmenden Gästen diskutieren.
Panels (Web)

  • Panel: Knowledge, Power, Crisis, and the Pandemic. Towards a Responsible Culture of Objectivity: Corona Discourses as Situated Knowledges
  • Panel 1: Global/Local Developments and their Impact on Gender Studies
  • Panel 2: Societal Transitions as Threats, Limitations and Opportunities I
  • Panel 3: (Un-)Gendering, Decolonizing, Queering I
  • Panel 4: Societal Transitions as Threats, Limitations and Opportunities II
  • Panel 5: (Un-)Gendering, Decolonizing, Queering II
  • Panel 6: Conflicts, Gender Politics, Activisms
  • Panel 7: Potential and Transformation of Concepts
  • Roundtable: Inter-/Transdisciplinarity—Inter-/Transnationality in Gender Studies
  • Panel 8: Societal Transitions as Threats, Limitations and Opportunities III
  • Panel 9: Identity in Intersectional Perspectives
  • Panel 10: Gender – Politics – Knowledge: Challenges and Perspectives The Feminist Canon? – Decolonising the Mind

Vortrag: Nora Lehner: Von ‚Geldgeschenken‘ und ‚Unzuchtsdiebstählen‘. Verhandeln über sexuelle Dienstleistungen im Wien der 1940er- bis 1960er-Jahre, 30.03.2022, Wien und virtueller Raum

WISO Morgenkolloquium (Web)
Zeit: Mi., 30. März 2022, 9.00–10.00 Uhr
Ort: Universität Wien, Seminarraum Geschichte 1, 1. Stock und hybrid/online via Zoom
Das Verkaufen sexueller Dienstleistungen war nach dem Ende des NS geduldet, aber anhand mehrerer Strafgesetze, die sich mehrheitlich an Frauen wandten, reglementiert. Während die Rechtslage von Mitte 1945 bis 1973/75 unverändert blieb, wurden die Handlungsanweisungen an sich prostituierende Frauen bzw. die Polizei, der die Überwachung der reglementierten Prostitution und die Bekämpfung der „Geheimprostitution“ oblag, laufend angepasst. Frauen, die sexuelle Dienstleistungen verkauften, verfügten über keine rechtlichen Möglichkeiten, um die Entlohnung ihrer Arbeit abzusichern. Ausgehend von einem Sample von Gerichtsakten analysiere ich, wie sich das wirtschaftliche Handeln von Frauen vor dem Hintergrund dieser rechtlich und meist auch ökonomisch prekären Rahmenbedingungen gestaltete. Welche (Ver-)Handlungsstrategien und Verkaufspraktiken wandten Frauen an, die sich in diesem rechtlich nicht stabilisierten Markt bewegten?
Im Vortrag widmet sich die Referentin – mit der Frage nach den Perspektiven, Erfahrungen und der Handlungsmacht von Frauen, die sexuelle Dienstleistungen verkauften – einem Teilaspekt ihres Dissertationsprojektes „Kommerzielle Sexualität und sexueller Tauschhandel im Wien der Nachkriegszeit (1945–1974)“. Darin verwendet sie kommerzielle Sexualität und sexuellen Tauschhandel als Linse, um gesellschaftliche Normierungsprozesse zu beleuchten, die sich in den ersten vier Jahrzehnten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg vollzogen.

  • Moderation: Therese Garstenauer
  • Kommentar: Pauline Bögner

Link zum virtuelen Raum: